C# Class P2PStateServer.HTTPMessage

Represents a HTTP message
Mostra file Open project: tenor/p2pStateServer

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
body byte[]
headers System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
host string
isError bool
requestStatusLine string
socket ServiceSocket
verb HTTPMethod

Public Methods

Method Description
HTTPMessage ( HTTPPartialData HTTPData ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the HTTPMessage class

Method Details

HTTPMessage() public method

Initializes a new instance of the HTTPMessage class
public HTTPMessage ( HTTPPartialData HTTPData ) : System
HTTPData HTTPPartialData
return System

Property Details

body protected_oe property

The body of the HTTP message
protected byte[] body
return byte[]

headers protected_oe property

The headers collection of the message
protected NameValueCollection,System.Collections.Specialized headers
return System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection

host protected_oe property

The host field of the message
protected string host
return string

isError protected_oe property

Indicates whether the message has an error
protected bool isError
return bool

requestStatusLine protected_oe property

The first line in a HTTP message
protected string requestStatusLine
return string

socket protected_oe property

The socket that sent the message
protected ServiceSocket,P2PStateServer socket
return ServiceSocket

verb protected_oe property

The parsed verb line of the HTTP message
protected HTTPMethod,P2PStateServer verb
return HTTPMethod