C# Class Org.Openengsb.XLinkCSharpClient.SearchLogic.DirectoryBrowser

Specifies the file-browse functionality, in the defined working directory.
Mostra file Open project: openengsb/sample-xlink-csharp-client Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
changeFileType ( String newFileType ) : void

Switches the fileType to the supplied one. Reloads the Files of the Working Directory if the switch was successfull.

createXLinkFromFileString ( string fileName ) : void

Creates the XLink to the given File with the given name and copies it to the Clipborad.

displayListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles ( ) : void

Prints the list of currently loaded Directory Files

displaySupportedFileTypes ( ) : void

Displays the set of supported FileTypes

displayWorkingDirectory ( ) : void

Displays the current Working Directory

displaycurrentFileType ( ) : void

Displays the current File Type

getFilesFromWorkingDirectory ( ) : List

Reloads the Files from the WorkingDirectory and Returns them.

openFile ( string fileName ) : void

Opens the File with the given name

reloadListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles ( ) : void

Reloads List of Directory Files

searchForFile ( String fileName ) : WorkingDirectoryFile

Returns the FileEntry with the given Name or null

searchForXLinkMatches ( OOClass potentialMatch ) : void

Searches through the Files for the most potential Match. First searches for matching filesnames. If no files where found or if more than one file was found, search for matching variables.

setWorkingDirectory ( String newWorkingDirectory ) : bool

Sets the new WorkingDirectory to browse with the given Directory

Private Methods

Method Description
matchValueOfClass ( WorkingDirectoryFile wdFileToCheck, OOClass potentialMatch ) : int

Returns an int value which indicates, how many many SQLFiels are alike between the two given statements.

outputLine ( string line ) : void
setFileType ( String newFileType ) : bool

Switches the fileType to the supplied one. Returns false if the supplied fileType is not supported.

Method Details

changeFileType() public method

Switches the fileType to the supplied one. Reloads the Files of the Working Directory if the switch was successfull.
public changeFileType ( String newFileType ) : void
newFileType String
return void

createXLinkFromFileString() public method

Creates the XLink to the given File with the given name and copies it to the Clipborad.
public createXLinkFromFileString ( string fileName ) : void
fileName string
return void

displayListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles() public method

Prints the list of currently loaded Directory Files
public displayListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles ( ) : void
return void

displaySupportedFileTypes() public method

Displays the set of supported FileTypes
public displaySupportedFileTypes ( ) : void
return void

displayWorkingDirectory() public method

Displays the current Working Directory
public displayWorkingDirectory ( ) : void
return void

displaycurrentFileType() public method

Displays the current File Type
public displaycurrentFileType ( ) : void
return void

getFilesFromWorkingDirectory() public method

Reloads the Files from the WorkingDirectory and Returns them.
public getFilesFromWorkingDirectory ( ) : List
return List

openFile() public method

Opens the File with the given name
public openFile ( string fileName ) : void
fileName string
return void

reloadListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles() public method

Reloads List of Directory Files
public reloadListOfWorkingDirectoryFiles ( ) : void
return void

searchForFile() public method

Returns the FileEntry with the given Name or null
public searchForFile ( String fileName ) : WorkingDirectoryFile
fileName String
return Org.Openengsb.XLinkCSharpClient.Model.WorkingDirectoryFile

searchForXLinkMatches() public method

Searches through the Files for the most potential Match. First searches for matching filesnames. If no files where found or if more than one file was found, search for matching variables.
public searchForXLinkMatches ( OOClass potentialMatch ) : void
potentialMatch OOClass
return void

setWorkingDirectory() public method

Sets the new WorkingDirectory to browse with the given Directory
public setWorkingDirectory ( String newWorkingDirectory ) : bool
newWorkingDirectory String
return bool