C# Class Open.TestHarness.Model.TestHarnessModel

The model representation of the TestHarness.
Inheritance: Open.Core.Common.ModelBase
Mostra file Open project: philcockfield/Open.TestHarness.SL Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
AddModule ( ModuleSetting moduleSetting ) : void

Loads the module with the specified name.

AddModule ( string xapFileName ) : void

Loads the module with the specified name.

GetModule ( string xapFileName ) : ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule

Gets the module corresponding to the given assembly name.

IsLoaded ( string xapFileName ) : bool

Gets whether the specified assembly is currently loaded.

Refresh ( ) : void

Refreshes the TestHarness from persisted settings.

RemoveModule ( ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule module ) : void

Removes the given module from the harness (and settings).

Private Methods

Method Description
ResetSingleton ( ) : void

Creates a new instance of the singleton (see the 'Instance' property).

TestHarnessModel ( ) : System

Method Details

AddModule() public method

Loads the module with the specified name.
public AddModule ( ModuleSetting moduleSetting ) : void
moduleSetting ModuleSetting The identifying settings of the module to load.
return void

AddModule() public method

Loads the module with the specified name.
public AddModule ( string xapFileName ) : void
xapFileName string The name of the XAP file.
return void

GetModule() public method

Gets the module corresponding to the given assembly name.
public GetModule ( string xapFileName ) : ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule
xapFileName string The name of the XAP file for the module.
return ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule

IsLoaded() public method

Gets whether the specified assembly is currently loaded.
public IsLoaded ( string xapFileName ) : bool
xapFileName string The name of the XAP file for the module.
return bool

Refresh() public method

Refreshes the TestHarness from persisted settings.
public Refresh ( ) : void
return void

RemoveModule() public method

Removes the given module from the harness (and settings).
public RemoveModule ( ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule module ) : void
module ViewTestClassesAssemblyModule The module to remove.
return void