C# Class Opc.Ua.Client.Browser

Mostra file Open project: OPCFoundation/UA-.NET Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
BrowseNext ReferenceDescriptionCollection
CheckBrowserState void
Initialize void

Public Methods

Method Description
Browse ( NodeId nodeId ) : ReferenceDescriptionCollection

Browses the specified node.

Browser ( ) : System

Creates an unattached instance of a browser.

Browser ( Browser template ) : System

Creates a copy of a browser.

Browser ( Session session ) : System

Creates new instance of a browser and attaches it to a session.

Private Methods

Method Description
BrowseNext ( byte &continuationPoint, bool cancel ) : ReferenceDescriptionCollection

Fetches the next batch of references.

CheckBrowserState ( ) : void

Checks the state of the browser.

Initialize ( ) : void

Sets all private fields to default values.

Method Details

Browse() public method

Browses the specified node.
public Browse ( NodeId nodeId ) : ReferenceDescriptionCollection
nodeId NodeId
return ReferenceDescriptionCollection

Browser() public method

Creates an unattached instance of a browser.
public Browser ( ) : System
return System

Browser() public method

Creates a copy of a browser.
public Browser ( Browser template ) : System
template Browser
return System

Browser() public method

Creates new instance of a browser and attaches it to a session.
public Browser ( Session session ) : System
session Session
return System