C# Class Novell.Directory.Ldap.LdapObjectClassSchema

The schema definition of an object class in a directory server. The LdapObjectClassSchema class represents the definition of an object class. It is used to query the syntax of an object class.
Inheritance: LdapSchemaElement
Mostra file Open project: EventStore/csharp-ldap Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
LdapObjectClassSchema ( System raw ) : System

Constructs an object class definition from the raw string value returned from a directory query for "objectClasses".

LdapObjectClassSchema ( System names, System oid, System superiors, System description, System required, System optional, int type, bool obsolete ) : System

Constructs an object class definition for adding to or deleting from a directory's schema.

Protected Methods

Method Description
formatString ( ) : System.String

Returns a string in a format suitable for directly adding to a directory, as a value of the particular schema element class.

Method Details

LdapObjectClassSchema() public method

Constructs an object class definition from the raw string value returned from a directory query for "objectClasses".
public LdapObjectClassSchema ( System raw ) : System
raw System The raw string value returned from a directory /// query for "objectClasses". ///
return System

LdapObjectClassSchema() public method

Constructs an object class definition for adding to or deleting from a directory's schema.
public LdapObjectClassSchema ( System names, System oid, System superiors, System description, System required, System optional, int type, bool obsolete ) : System
names System Name(s) of the object class. /// ///
oid System Object Identifer of the object class - in /// dotted-decimal format. /// ///
superiors System The object classes from which this one derives. /// ///
description System Optional description of the object class. /// ///
required System A list of attributes required /// for an entry with this object class. /// ///
optional System A list of attributes acceptable but not required /// for an entry with this object class. /// ///
type int One of ABSTRACT, AUXILIARY, or STRUCTURAL. These /// constants are defined in LdapObjectClassSchema. /// ///
obsolete bool true if this object is obsolete /// ///
return System

formatString() protected method

Returns a string in a format suitable for directly adding to a directory, as a value of the particular schema element class.
protected formatString ( ) : System.String
return System.String