C# Class Ninject.Infrastructure.Language.ExtensionsForAssembly

Provides extension methods for Assembly.
Mostra file Open project: ninject/Ninject

Public Methods

Method Description
GetNinjectModules ( this assembly ) : IEnumerable

Gets loadable INinjectModules from the Assembly.

HasNinjectModules ( this assembly ) : bool

Determines whether the assembly has loadable INinjectModule.

Private Methods

Method Description
IsLoadableModule ( Type type ) : bool

Method Details

GetNinjectModules() public static method

Gets loadable INinjectModules from the Assembly.
public static GetNinjectModules ( this assembly ) : IEnumerable
assembly this The .
return IEnumerable

HasNinjectModules() public static method

Determines whether the assembly has loadable INinjectModule.
public static HasNinjectModules ( this assembly ) : bool
assembly this The .
return bool