C# Class Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonWriter

Represents a writer that provides a fast, non-cached, forward-only way of generating JSON data.
Inheritance: JsonWriter
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Public Methods

Method Description
BsonWriter ( BinaryWriter writer ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.

BsonWriter ( Stream stream ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.

Close ( ) : void

Closes this stream and the underlying stream.

Flush ( ) : void

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.

WriteComment ( string text ) : void

Writes a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text.

WriteNull ( ) : void

Writes a null value.

WriteObjectId ( byte value ) : void

Writes a Byte[] value that represents a BSON object id.

WritePropertyName ( string name ) : void

Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.

WriteRaw ( string json ) : void

Writes raw JSON.

WriteRawValue ( string json ) : void

Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.

WriteRegex ( string pattern, string options ) : void

Writes a BSON regex.

WriteStartArray ( ) : void

Writes the beginning of a JSON array.

WriteStartConstructor ( string name ) : void

Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.

WriteStartObject ( ) : void

Writes the beginning of a JSON object.

WriteUndefined ( ) : void

Writes an undefined value.

WriteValue ( System.DateTime value ) : void

Writes a DateTime value.

WriteValue ( DateTimeOffset value ) : void

Writes a DateTimeOffset value.

WriteValue ( System.Guid value ) : void

Writes a Guid value.

WriteValue ( System.TimeSpan value ) : void

Writes a TimeSpan value.

WriteValue ( Uri value ) : void

Writes a Uri value.

WriteValue ( bool value ) : void

Writes a Boolean value.

WriteValue ( byte value ) : void

Writes a Byte value.

WriteValue ( char value ) : void

Writes a Char value.

WriteValue ( decimal value ) : void

Writes a Decimal value.

WriteValue ( double value ) : void

Writes a Double value.

WriteValue ( float value ) : void

Writes a Single value.

WriteValue ( int value ) : void

Writes a Int32 value.

WriteValue ( long value ) : void

Writes a Int64 value.

WriteValue ( object value ) : void

Writes a Object value. An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.

WriteValue ( short value ) : void

Writes a Int16 value.

WriteValue ( string value ) : void

Writes a String value.

Protected Methods

Method Description
WriteEnd ( JsonToken token ) : void

Writes the end.

Private Methods

Method Description
AddParent ( Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonToken container ) : void
AddToken ( Newtonsoft.Json.Bson.BsonToken token ) : void
AddValue ( object value, BsonType type ) : void
RemoveParent ( ) : void
WriteValue ( sbyte value ) : void
WriteValue ( uint value ) : void
WriteValue ( ulong value ) : void
WriteValue ( ushort value ) : void

Method Details

BsonWriter() public method

Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.
public BsonWriter ( BinaryWriter writer ) : System
writer System.IO.BinaryWriter The writer.
return System

BsonWriter() public method

Initializes a new instance of the BsonWriter class.
public BsonWriter ( Stream stream ) : System
stream Stream The stream.
return System

Close() public method

Closes this stream and the underlying stream.
public Close ( ) : void
return void

Flush() public method

Flushes whatever is in the buffer to the underlying streams and also flushes the underlying stream.
public Flush ( ) : void
return void

WriteComment() public method

Writes a comment /*...*/ containing the specified text.
public WriteComment ( string text ) : void
text string Text to place inside the comment.
return void

WriteEnd() protected method

Writes the end.
protected WriteEnd ( JsonToken token ) : void
token JsonToken The token.
return void

WriteNull() public method

Writes a null value.
public WriteNull ( ) : void
return void

WriteObjectId() public method

Writes a Byte[] value that represents a BSON object id.
public WriteObjectId ( byte value ) : void
value byte The Object ID value to write.
return void

WritePropertyName() public method

Writes the property name of a name/value pair on a JSON object.
public WritePropertyName ( string name ) : void
name string The name of the property.
return void

WriteRaw() public method

Writes raw JSON.
public WriteRaw ( string json ) : void
json string The raw JSON to write.
return void

WriteRawValue() public method

Writes raw JSON where a value is expected and updates the writer's state.
public WriteRawValue ( string json ) : void
json string The raw JSON to write.
return void

WriteRegex() public method

Writes a BSON regex.
public WriteRegex ( string pattern, string options ) : void
pattern string The regex pattern.
options string The regex options.
return void

WriteStartArray() public method

Writes the beginning of a JSON array.
public WriteStartArray ( ) : void
return void

WriteStartConstructor() public method

Writes the start of a constructor with the given name.
public WriteStartConstructor ( string name ) : void
name string The name of the constructor.
return void

WriteStartObject() public method

Writes the beginning of a JSON object.
public WriteStartObject ( ) : void
return void

WriteUndefined() public method

Writes an undefined value.
public WriteUndefined ( ) : void
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a DateTime value.
public WriteValue ( System.DateTime value ) : void
value System.DateTime The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a DateTimeOffset value.
public WriteValue ( DateTimeOffset value ) : void
value DateTimeOffset The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Guid value.
public WriteValue ( System.Guid value ) : void
value System.Guid The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a TimeSpan value.
public WriteValue ( System.TimeSpan value ) : void
value System.TimeSpan The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Uri value.
public WriteValue ( Uri value ) : void
value System.Uri The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Boolean value.
public WriteValue ( bool value ) : void
value bool The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Byte value.
public WriteValue ( byte value ) : void
value byte The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Char value.
public WriteValue ( char value ) : void
value char The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Decimal value.
public WriteValue ( decimal value ) : void
value decimal The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Double value.
public WriteValue ( double value ) : void
value double The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Single value.
public WriteValue ( float value ) : void
value float The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Int32 value.
public WriteValue ( int value ) : void
value int The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Int64 value.
public WriteValue ( long value ) : void
value long The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Object value. An error will raised if the value cannot be written as a single JSON token.
public WriteValue ( object value ) : void
value object The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a Int16 value.
public WriteValue ( short value ) : void
value short The value to write.
return void

WriteValue() public method

Writes a String value.
public WriteValue ( string value ) : void
value string The value to write.
return void