C# Class NetworkCommsDotNet.SendReceiveOptions

Contains options and flags for sending and receiving data such as serialisation method, data processors, encryption etc. Several static constructors are provided to help create SendReceiveOptions in the most common formats.
Mostra file Open project: MarcFletcher/NetworkComms.Net Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : object

Create a deep clone of this SendReceiveOptions object.

OptionsCompatible ( SendReceiveOptions options ) : bool

Determines whether the supplied SendReceiveOptions is compatible, from a serialization point of view, with this instance

Two SendReceiveOptions instances will be compatible if they use the same DPSBase.DataSerializer and the same set of DPSBase.DataProcessors

SendReceiveOptions ( ) : System

Initializes an empty instance of the SendReceiveOptions class.

SendReceiveOptions ( DataSerializer serializer, List dataProcessors, string>.Dictionary options ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SendReceiveOptions class with a specified DPSBase.DataSerializer, set of DPSBase.DataProcessors and and other options

SendReceiveOptions ( string>.Dictionary options ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the SendReceiveOptions class providing only options for the DPSBase.DataSerializer and DPSBase.DataProcessors. This constructor should only be used when adding packet handlers for incoming connections

Method Details

Clone() public method

Create a deep clone of this SendReceiveOptions object.
public Clone ( ) : object
return object

OptionsCompatible() public method

Determines whether the supplied SendReceiveOptions is compatible, from a serialization point of view, with this instance
Two SendReceiveOptions instances will be compatible if they use the same DPSBase.DataSerializer and the same set of DPSBase.DataProcessors
public OptionsCompatible ( SendReceiveOptions options ) : bool
options SendReceiveOptions The to compare against
return bool

SendReceiveOptions() public method

Initializes an empty instance of the SendReceiveOptions class.
public SendReceiveOptions ( ) : System
return System

SendReceiveOptions() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SendReceiveOptions class with a specified DPSBase.DataSerializer, set of DPSBase.DataProcessors and and other options
public SendReceiveOptions ( DataSerializer serializer, List dataProcessors, string>.Dictionary options ) : System
serializer DataSerializer The to use
dataProcessors List The set of s to use. The order in the list determines the order the s will be applied
options string>.Dictionary Allows additional options to be passed to the and s
return System

SendReceiveOptions() public method

Initializes a new instance of the SendReceiveOptions class providing only options for the DPSBase.DataSerializer and DPSBase.DataProcessors. This constructor should only be used when adding packet handlers for incoming connections
public SendReceiveOptions ( string>.Dictionary options ) : System
options string>.Dictionary Allows additional options to be passed to the and s
return System