C# Class NSemble.Core.Nancy.NSembleResourceReader

Inheritance: IResourceReader
Mostra file Open project: synhershko/NSemble

Public Methods

Method Description
GetResourceStreamMatches ( Assembly assembly, IEnumerable supportedViewEngineExtensions ) : Func>>.IList

Gets information about the resources that are embedded in the assembly.

Private Methods

Method Description
DuplicateModuleNameByConvention ( string resourceName ) : string

This one is important - it ensures the view locations loaded from DLLs are in line with the NSemble convention, e.g. Modules/Blog/Views/SomeView.cshtml

GetResourceExtension ( string resourceName ) : string

Method Details

GetResourceStreamMatches() public method

Gets information about the resources that are embedded in the assembly.
public GetResourceStreamMatches ( Assembly assembly, IEnumerable supportedViewEngineExtensions ) : Func>>.IList
assembly System.Reflection.Assembly The to retrieve view information from.
supportedViewEngineExtensions IEnumerable A list of view extensions to look for.
return Func>>.IList