C# Class NArrange.Core.ElementArranger

Standard IElementArranger implementation.
Inheritance: IElementArranger
Mostra file Open project: MarcStan/NArrange Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ArrangeElement ( ICodeElement parentElement, ICodeElement codeElement ) : void

Arranges the element in within the code tree represented in the specified builder.

CanArrange ( ICodeElement codeElement ) : bool

Determines whether or not the specified element can be arranged by this arranger.

CanArrange ( ICodeElement parentElement, ICodeElement codeElement ) : bool

Determines whether or not the specified element can be arranged by this arranger.

Protected Methods

Method Description
ElementArranger ( ElementConfiguration elementConfiguration, ConfigurationElement parentConfiguration ) : System

Creates a new ElementArranger.

Private Methods

Method Description
ArrangeChildElement ( ICodeElement codeElement, ICodeElement childElement ) : void

Arranges the child element.

CorrectStaticFieldDependencies ( TypeElement typeElement ) : void

If dependent static fields exist, then correct their ordering regardless of arranging rules.

CreateElementFilter ( FilterBy filterBy ) : IElementFilter

Creates an element filter.

CreateElementInserter ( ElementType elementType, SortBy sortBy, GroupBy groupBy, ConfigurationElement parentConfiguration ) : IElementInserter

Creates an element inserter.

GetTypeStaticFields ( TypeElement typeElement ) : NArrange.Core.CodeElements.FieldElement[]

Gets all static fields for a Type.

Method Details

ArrangeElement() public method

Arranges the element in within the code tree represented in the specified builder.
public ArrangeElement ( ICodeElement parentElement, ICodeElement codeElement ) : void
parentElement ICodeElement The parent element.
codeElement ICodeElement The code element.
return void

CanArrange() public method

Determines whether or not the specified element can be arranged by this arranger.
public CanArrange ( ICodeElement codeElement ) : bool
codeElement ICodeElement The code element.
return bool

CanArrange() public method

Determines whether or not the specified element can be arranged by this arranger.
public CanArrange ( ICodeElement parentElement, ICodeElement codeElement ) : bool
parentElement ICodeElement The parent element.
codeElement ICodeElement The code element.
return bool

ElementArranger() protected method

Creates a new ElementArranger.
protected ElementArranger ( ElementConfiguration elementConfiguration, ConfigurationElement parentConfiguration ) : System
elementConfiguration NArrange.Core.Configuration.ElementConfiguration Element configuration.
parentConfiguration NArrange.Core.Configuration.ConfigurationElement Parent configuration.
return System