C# Class Mycroft.Cmd.App.Create

Inheritance: AppCommand
Mostra file Open project: rit-sse-mycroft/core

Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( AppManifest manifest, AppInstance instance ) : System
VisitDispatcher ( Dispatcher dispatcher ) : void

Create a dependency list message and send it to the dispatcher

VisitRegistry ( Registry registry ) : void

Copy all information from the manifest into the new app instance and add it to the registry

Method Details

Create() public method

public Create ( AppManifest manifest, AppInstance instance ) : System
manifest Mycroft.Messages.App.AppManifest
instance AppInstance
return System

VisitDispatcher() public method

Create a dependency list message and send it to the dispatcher
public VisitDispatcher ( Dispatcher dispatcher ) : void
dispatcher Dispatcher
return void

VisitRegistry() public method

Copy all information from the manifest into the new app instance and add it to the registry
public VisitRegistry ( Registry registry ) : void
registry Mycroft.App.Registry the registry being visited
return void