C# Class MsBuilderific.Contracts.Visitors.BuildOrderVisitor

Base visitor class that implments the IBuildOrderVisitor and exposes virutal method for visitors to override
This is useful to prevent all visitors to implement all methods, when they really do not need to
Inheritance: IBuildOrderVisitor
Mostra file Open project: Vooban/vooban.msbuilderific

Public Methods

Method Description
GetVisitorProperties ( ) : string>.IDictionary

Allow the visitors to add properties in the main property group of the MsBuild file

PostVisitBuildTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just after the build operation on the project

PostVisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just after adding specific instructions for the Clean target of the project

PostVisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just after adding specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services

PreVisitBuildTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just before the build operation on the project

PreVisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just before adding specific instructions for the Clean target of the project

PreVisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just before adding specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services

ShallExecute ( IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : bool

Get a value indicating whether or not the visitor should execute, based on the core options specified

VisitBuildAllTypeTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Call when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets

VisitBuildExeProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Call for program projects (exe) when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets

VisitBuildLibraryProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Call for project library when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets

VisitBuildWebProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Call for web project when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets

VisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called just when it is time to addi specific instructions for the Clean target of the project

VisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string

Called when it is time to add build specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services

Method Details

GetVisitorProperties() public method

Allow the visitors to add properties in the main property group of the MsBuild file
public GetVisitorProperties ( ) : string>.IDictionary
return string>.IDictionary

PostVisitBuildTarget() public method

Called just after the build operation on the project
public PostVisitBuildTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that was visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

PostVisitCleanTarget() public method

Called just after adding specific instructions for the Clean target of the project
public PostVisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Clean target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

PostVisitServiceTarget() public method

Called just after adding specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services
public PostVisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Service target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

PreVisitBuildTarget() public method

Called just before the build operation on the project
public PreVisitBuildTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

PreVisitCleanTarget() public method

Called just before adding specific instructions for the Clean target of the project
public PreVisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Clean target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

PreVisitServiceTarget() public method

Called just before adding specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services
public PreVisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Service target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

ShallExecute() public method

Get a value indicating whether or not the visitor should execute, based on the core options specified
public ShallExecute ( IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : bool
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return bool

VisitBuildAllTypeTarget() public method

Call when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets
public VisitBuildAllTypeTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that is being visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

VisitBuildExeProjectTarget() public method

Call for program projects (exe) when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets
public VisitBuildExeProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that is being visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

VisitBuildLibraryProjectTarget() public method

Call for project library when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets
public VisitBuildLibraryProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that is being visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

VisitBuildWebProjectTarget() public method

Call for web project when it is time to add build information to the build file for the project, for each possible targets
public VisitBuildWebProjectTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that is being visited for build
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

VisitCleanTarget() public method

Called just when it is time to addi specific instructions for the Clean target of the project
public VisitCleanTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Clean target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string

VisitServiceTarget() public method

Called when it is time to add build specific instructions for a project that contains WCF services
public VisitServiceTarget ( VisualStudioProject project, IMsBuilderificCoreOptions coreOptions ) : string
project VisualStudioProject The project that will be visited for build for the specific Service target
coreOptions IMsBuilderificCoreOptions The application core options
return string