C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.HDInsight.Cmdlet.Commands.CommandImplementations.AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand

Adds a storage account to the HDInsight cluster configuration.
Inheritance: IAddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand
Mostra file Open project: Azure/azure-powershell

Public Methods

Method Description
AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand ( ) : System.Collections.Generic

Initializes a new instance of the AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand class.

Cancel ( ) : void
EndProcessing ( ) : Task

Method Details

AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand() public method

Initializes a new instance of the AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand class.
public AddAzureHDInsightStorageCommand ( ) : System.Collections.Generic
return System.Collections.Generic

Cancel() public method

public Cancel ( ) : void
return void

EndProcessing() public method

public EndProcessing ( ) : Task
return Task