C# Class Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.SqlDatabase.Test.UnitTests.Database.Cmdlet.NewAzureSqlDatabaseServerContextTests

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Public Methods

Method Description
CreateServerContextSqlAuth ( System powershell, string contextVariable ) : void

Common helper method for other tests to create a context.

CreateServerContextSqlAuthV12 ( System powershell, string manageUrl, string username, string password, string contextVariable ) : void

Common helper method for other tests to create a context for ESA server.

Private Methods

Method Description
CleanupTest ( ) : void
NewAzureSqlDatabaseServerContextWithCertAuth ( ) : void
NewAzureSqlDatabaseServerContextWithSqlAuth ( ) : void
NewAzureSqlDatabaseServerContextWithSqlAuthNegativeCases ( ) : void
TestGetManageUrl ( ) : void

Method Details

CreateServerContextSqlAuth() public static method

Common helper method for other tests to create a context.
public static CreateServerContextSqlAuth ( System powershell, string contextVariable ) : void
powershell System
contextVariable string The variable name that will hold the new context.
return void

CreateServerContextSqlAuthV12() public static method

Common helper method for other tests to create a context for ESA server.
public static CreateServerContextSqlAuthV12 ( System powershell, string manageUrl, string username, string password, string contextVariable ) : void
powershell System
manageUrl string
username string
password string
contextVariable string The variable name that will hold the new context.
return void