C# Class Microsoft.VisualStudio.R.Package.DataInspect.SortOrder

Describes sorting set in details grid
Inheritance: ISortOrder
Mostra file Open project: Microsoft/RTVS Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( ColumnSortOrder order ) : void
Add ( HeaderTextVisual v ) : void

Adds column to the sorting order. Typically called when user Shift+Click on the column header adding it to the set. If the column is already in the set, the call does nothing.

GetRowSelector ( ) : string Complete expression looks like: function(x) order(x[,col_idx1], -x[,col_idx1], ...) where minus tells R that the column sort order is descending rather than ascending.
ResetTo ( HeaderTextVisual v ) : void

Resets sort to one column assuming default (ascending) order. Typically called as a result of click on one of the column headers which clears current sort across all columns and sets the clicked column as primary with the default sorting order.

Method Details

Add() public method

public Add ( ColumnSortOrder order ) : void
order ColumnSortOrder
return void

Add() public method

Adds column to the sorting order. Typically called when user Shift+Click on the column header adding it to the set. If the column is already in the set, the call does nothing.
public Add ( HeaderTextVisual v ) : void
v HeaderTextVisual
return void

GetRowSelector() public method

Complete expression looks like: function(x) order(x[,col_idx1], -x[,col_idx1], ...) where minus tells R that the column sort order is descending rather than ascending.
public GetRowSelector ( ) : string
return string

ResetTo() public method

Resets sort to one column assuming default (ascending) order. Typically called as a result of click on one of the column headers which clears current sort across all columns and sets the clicked column as primary with the default sorting order.
public ResetTo ( HeaderTextVisual v ) : void
v HeaderTextVisual
return void