C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_WWSP.MS_WWSPAdapter

The adapter's implementation.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.ManagedAdapterBase, IMS_WWSPAdapter
Mostra file Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites

Public Methods

Method Description
AlterToDo ( string item, int todoId, System.Guid todoListId, XmlElement taskData ) : AlterToDoResponseAlterToDoResult

This operation is used to modify the values of fields for a workflow task.

ClaimReleaseTask ( string item, int taskId, System.Guid listId, bool isClaim ) : ClaimReleaseTaskResponseClaimReleaseTaskResult

This operation is used to claim or release a workflow task.

GetTemplatesForItem ( string item ) : GetTemplatesForItemResponseGetTemplatesForItemResult

This operation is used to get a set of workflow associations for specified document item in a document library.

GetToDosForItem ( string item ) : GetToDosForItemResponseGetToDosForItemResult

This operation is used to get a set of workflow tasks for specified document item in a document library.

GetWorkflowDataForItem ( string item ) : GetWorkflowDataForItemResponseGetWorkflowDataForItemResult

This operation is used to query a set of workflow associations, workflow tasks, and workflows for specified document item in a document library.

GetWorkflowTaskData ( string item, int taskId, System.Guid listId ) : GetWorkflowTaskDataResponseGetWorkflowTaskDataResult

This operation is used to retrieve data about a single workflow task.

Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void

Overrides IAdapter's Initialize method, to set default protocol short name of the testSite.

StartWorkflow ( string item, System.Guid templateId, XmlNode workflowParameters ) : object

This operation is used to start a new workflow task, it generating a workflow task base on specified workflow association.

Private Methods

Method Description
CaptureGetWorkflowDataForItem ( GetWorkflowDataForItemResponseGetWorkflowDataForItemResult responseOfGetWorkflowDataForItem ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of GetWorkflowDataForItem operation.

CaptureHTTPStatusAndSoapFaultRequirements ( ) : void

This method is used to capture the HTTP protocol status type and soap version related requirements.

CaptureSoapInfoAlterToDo ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of AlterToDo operation.

CaptureSoapInfoClaimReleaseTask ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of ClaimReleaseTask operation.

CaptureSoapInfoGetTemplatesForItem ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of GetTemplatesForItem operation.

CaptureSoapInfoGetToDosForItem ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of GetToDosForItem operation.

CaptureSoapInfoGetWorkflowTaskData ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of GetWorkflowTaskData operation.

CaptureSoapInfoStartWorkflow ( ) : void

Capture soap information related requirements of StartWorkflow operation.

CaptureTemplateDataRelatedRequirements ( TemplateData templateData ) : void

This method is used to capture the TemplateData related requirements.

CaptureToDoDataRelatedRequirements ( ToDoData tododata ) : void

This method is used to toDoData element related requirements.

CaptureTranstportAndSOAPRequirements ( ) : void

This method is used to capture the transport type and soap version related requirements.

CaptureWorkflowAssociation ( XmlNode workFlowAssociationData ) : void

This method is used to workFlowAssociationData element related requirements.

CaptureXMLSchemaAlterToDo ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of AlterToDo operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaClaimReleaseTask ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of ClaimReleaseTask operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaGetTemplatesForItem ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of GetTemplatesForItem operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaGetToDosForItem ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of GetToDosForItem operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaGetWorkflowDataForItem ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of GetWorkflowDataForItem operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaGetWorkflowTaskData ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of GetWorkflowTaskData operation.

CaptureXMLSchemaStartWorkflow ( ) : void

Capture XML schema related requirements of StartWorkflow operation.

GenerateLogsForMutipleItem ( List detialItems, string title ) : string

Generate a log message by specified title and list all detail items.

SetSoapVersion ( WorkflowSoap proxyInstance ) : void

Set the SOAP version according to the SoapVersion property.

VerifyWorkflowItemInGetWorkflowDataForItemResponse ( GetWorkflowDataForItemResponseGetWorkflowDataForItemResult responseOfGetWorkflowDataForItem ) : void

This method is used to workFlow element related requirements.

Method Details

AlterToDo() public method

This operation is used to modify the values of fields for a workflow task.
public AlterToDo ( string item, int todoId, System.Guid todoListId, XmlElement taskData ) : AlterToDoResponseAlterToDoResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
todoId int A parameter represents the Id of a task item which is identifying a workflow task to be modified.
todoListId System.Guid A parameter represents the list id (GUID format) of the workflow task list which include the specified task list.
taskData System.Xml.XmlElement A parameter represents a set of elements representing field names and values to be altered on a workflow task.
return AlterToDoResponseAlterToDoResult

ClaimReleaseTask() public method

This operation is used to claim or release a workflow task.
public ClaimReleaseTask ( string item, int taskId, System.Guid listId, bool isClaim ) : ClaimReleaseTaskResponseClaimReleaseTaskResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
taskId int A parameter represents the Id of a task item which is identifying a workflow task to be claim or release.
listId System.Guid A parameter represents the list id (GUID format) of the workflow task list which include the specified task list.
isClaim bool A parameter represents a bool value to indicate whether the operation is a claim or a release.
return ClaimReleaseTaskResponseClaimReleaseTaskResult

GetTemplatesForItem() public method

This operation is used to get a set of workflow associations for specified document item in a document library.
public GetTemplatesForItem ( string item ) : GetTemplatesForItemResponseGetTemplatesForItemResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
return GetTemplatesForItemResponseGetTemplatesForItemResult

GetToDosForItem() public method

This operation is used to get a set of workflow tasks for specified document item in a document library.
public GetToDosForItem ( string item ) : GetToDosForItemResponseGetToDosForItemResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
return GetToDosForItemResponseGetToDosForItemResult

GetWorkflowDataForItem() public method

This operation is used to query a set of workflow associations, workflow tasks, and workflows for specified document item in a document library.
public GetWorkflowDataForItem ( string item ) : GetWorkflowDataForItemResponseGetWorkflowDataForItemResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
return GetWorkflowDataForItemResponseGetWorkflowDataForItemResult

GetWorkflowTaskData() public method

This operation is used to retrieve data about a single workflow task.
public GetWorkflowTaskData ( string item, int taskId, System.Guid listId ) : GetWorkflowTaskDataResponseGetWorkflowTaskDataResult
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item which is used as condition to search where the task start.
taskId int A parameter represents an integer which is the id of task item in a task type list, which is specified by workflow association setting.
listId System.Guid A parameter represents the list id (GUID format) of the workflow task list which include the specified task list.
return GetWorkflowTaskDataResponseGetWorkflowTaskDataResult

Initialize() public method

Overrides IAdapter's Initialize method, to set default protocol short name of the testSite.
public Initialize ( ITestSite testSite ) : void
testSite ITestSite A parameter represents a ITestSite instance which is used to get/operate current test suite context.
return void

StartWorkflow() public method

This operation is used to start a new workflow task, it generating a workflow task base on specified workflow association.
public StartWorkflow ( string item, System.Guid templateId, XmlNode workflowParameters ) : object
item string A parameter represents a URL which is point to a document item in a document library.
templateId System.Guid A parameter represents a GUID of a workflow association which the workflow task will base on.
workflowParameters System.Xml.XmlNode A parameter represents XML contents to be used by the workflow upon creation. And the contents of this element is considered vendor-extensible
return object