C# Class Microsoft.Protocols.TestSuites.MS_ADMINS.TestSuiteBase

A class contains all helper methods used in test case level.
Mostra file Open project: OfficeDev/Interop-TestSuites Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GenerateEmail ( int size ) : string

This method is used to generate random e-mail with the specified size.

GeneratePortalUrl ( int size ) : string

This method is used to generate random portal url with the specified size.

GenerateRandomNumber ( int minValue, int maxValue ) : int

This method is used to random generate an integer in the specified range.

GenerateRandomString ( int size ) : string

This method is used to generate random string in the range A-Z with the specified string size.

GenerateUniqueOwnerName ( ) : string

A method is used to generate owner name.

GenerateUniquePortalName ( ) : string

A method is used to generate portal name.

GenerateUniqueSiteTitle ( ) : string

A method is used to get a unique site title.

GenerateUrlPrefixWithAdminPort ( ) : string

This method is used to generate a url prefix with admin port number. The format should be "HTTP://[SUTComputerName]:[AdminHTTPPortNumber]/sites/" or "HTTPS://[SUTComputerName]:[AdminHTTPSPortNumber]/sites/".

GenerateUrlPrefixWithPortNumber ( ) : string

This method is used to generate a url prefix with port number. The format should be "HTTP://[SUTComputerName]:[HTTPPortNumber]/sites/" or "HTTPS://[SUTComputerName]:[HTTPSPortNumber]/sites/".

GenerateUrlWithoutPort ( int size ) : string

This method is used to generate random url without port number which includes [TransportType]://[SUTComputerName].

Initialize ( ITestSite site ) : void

A method used to initialize the TestSuiteBase with specified ITestSite instance.

Method Details

GenerateEmail() public static method

This method is used to generate random e-mail with the specified size.
public static GenerateEmail ( int size ) : string
size int A parameter represents the generated e-mail size.
return string

GeneratePortalUrl() public static method

This method is used to generate random portal url with the specified size.
public static GeneratePortalUrl ( int size ) : string
size int A parameter represents the generated portal url size.
return string

GenerateRandomNumber() public static method

This method is used to random generate an integer in the specified range.
public static GenerateRandomNumber ( int minValue, int maxValue ) : int
minValue int The inclusive lower bound of the random number returned.
maxValue int The exclusive upper bound of the random number returned.
return int

GenerateRandomString() public static method

This method is used to generate random string in the range A-Z with the specified string size.
public static GenerateRandomString ( int size ) : string
size int A parameter represents the generated string size.
return string

GenerateUniqueOwnerName() public static method

A method is used to generate owner name.
public static GenerateUniqueOwnerName ( ) : string
return string

GenerateUniquePortalName() public static method

A method is used to generate portal name.
public static GenerateUniquePortalName ( ) : string
return string

GenerateUniqueSiteTitle() public static method

A method is used to get a unique site title.
public static GenerateUniqueSiteTitle ( ) : string
return string

GenerateUrlPrefixWithAdminPort() public static method

This method is used to generate a url prefix with admin port number. The format should be "HTTP://[SUTComputerName]:[AdminHTTPPortNumber]/sites/" or "HTTPS://[SUTComputerName]:[AdminHTTPSPortNumber]/sites/".
public static GenerateUrlPrefixWithAdminPort ( ) : string
return string

GenerateUrlPrefixWithPortNumber() public static method

This method is used to generate a url prefix with port number. The format should be "HTTP://[SUTComputerName]:[HTTPPortNumber]/sites/" or "HTTPS://[SUTComputerName]:[HTTPSPortNumber]/sites/".
public static GenerateUrlPrefixWithPortNumber ( ) : string
return string

GenerateUrlWithoutPort() public static method

This method is used to generate random url without port number which includes [TransportType]://[SUTComputerName].
public static GenerateUrlWithoutPort ( int size ) : string
size int A parameter represents the random string size.
return string

Initialize() public static method

A method used to initialize the TestSuiteBase with specified ITestSite instance.
public static Initialize ( ITestSite site ) : void
site ITestSite A parameter represents ITestSite instance.
return void