C# Class Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AnonymousDelegateRemover

A rewriter for CodeModel method bodies, which changes any anynomous delegate expressions found in the body into delegates over methods of either the containing type of the method, or of a nested type of that type.
Inheritance: Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.CodeRewriter
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Public Methods

Method Description
AnonymousDelegateRemover ( IMetadataHost host, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel

A rewriter for CodeModel method bodies, which changes any anynomous delegate expressions found in the body into delegates over methods of either the containing type of the method, or of a nested type of that type.

RemoveAnonymousDelegates ( IMethodDefinition method, BlockStatement body ) : ICollection

When given a method definition and a block of statements that represents the Block property of the body of the method this method returns a semantically equivalent SourceMethod with a body that no longer has any anonymous delegate expressions. The given block of statements is mutated in place. Any types that get defined in order to implement the body semantics are returned (null if no such types are defined).

Rewrite ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : IExpression

Rewrites the given anonymous delegate expression.

Rewrite ( IAssignment assignment ) : IExpression

Rewrites the given assignment expression.

Rewrite ( IThisReference thisReference ) : IExpression

Rewrites the given this reference expression.

Rewrite ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : IStatement

Rewrites the children of the given local declaration statement.

Rewrite ( IGenericMethodParameterReference genericMethodParameterReference ) : ITypeReference

Rewrites the given generic method parameter reference.

RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given addressable expression.

RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression blockExpression ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given block expression.

RewriteChildren ( BlockStatement block ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given statement block.

RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression boundExpression ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given bound expression.

RewriteChildren ( CatchClause catchClause ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given catch clause.

RewriteChildren ( ForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given foreach statement.

RewriteChildren ( GenericMethodInstanceReference genericMethodInstanceReference ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given generic method instance reference.

RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.TargetExpression targetExpression ) : void

Rewrites the children of the given target expression.

Private Methods

Method Description
AllocateClosureFor ( object scope, List statements, System.Action rewriteScope ) : void

Saves the current closure fields. Allocates a new closure and updates the fields. Then calls the given delegate and restores the earlier state.

CreateClosureClass ( ) : void

Creates a new nested type definition with a default constructor and no other members and adds it to this.closureClasses. If this.method is generic, then the closure class is generic as well, with the same number of type parameters (constrained in the same way) as the generic method. Initializes this.currentClosure, this.currentClosureInstance and this.currentClosureSelfInstance.

CreateClosureField ( object capturedDefinition, ITypeReference fieldType, ITypeReference typeToUseInThisMethod, string name ) : void

Creates a field in the current closure class with the given type and name. If the current closure class is generic, the returned value is a reference to the corresponding field in the InstanceType of the current closure class.

CreateClosureMethod ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : IMethodReference

Returns a reference to the closure method. If the method is generic, the reference is to an instantiation, using the generic parameters of the current class as arguments.

CreateStaticCacheField ( ITypeReference fieldType ) : IFieldReference

Creates and returns a static field of the given type and adds it to the helper members of the containing type of this.method.

GenerateTopLevelClosure ( ) : void

If any parameters have been captured, or if "this" has been captured along with some locals, generate a closure class for the root block and populate it with fields to hold the captured parameter values and the "this" argument (if captured).

GetClosureObjectInstanceContaining ( IFieldReference closureField ) : IExpression

Returns an expression that results in a closure object instance that contains the given field. If the expression will be evaluated in the body of this.method, the result is a bound expression that references the local that contains the object. Otherwise it is the "this" argument of the anonymous delegate method, possibly with a number of field accesses to chase down the outer closure chain.

GetOffsetOfFirstStatementAfterBaseOrThisConstructorCall ( List list ) : int
GetReferenceToDefaultConstructor ( ITypeReference containingType ) : IMethodReference

Returns a reference to the default constructor method of the given type.

InsertStatementsToAllocateAndInitializeTopLevelClosure ( BlockStatement body ) : void

Inserts statements into block that will create an instance of the top level closure and initialize it with captured parameter values and the "this" value (if captured).

MakeDelegateMethodGeneric ( MethodDefinition delegateMethod ) : void

Copies the generic parameters from this.method to the given delegate method and fixes up the delegate method signature to refer to its own type parameters, rather than those of this.method.

Method Details

AnonymousDelegateRemover() public method

A rewriter for CodeModel method bodies, which changes any anynomous delegate expressions found in the body into delegates over methods of either the containing type of the method, or of a nested type of that type.
public AnonymousDelegateRemover ( IMetadataHost host, ISourceLocationProvider sourceLocationProvider ) : Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel
host IMetadataHost An object representing the application that is hosting the converter. It is used to obtain access to some global /// objects and services such as the shared name table and the table for interning references.
sourceLocationProvider ISourceLocationProvider An object that can map the ILocation objects found in a block of statements to IPrimarySourceLocation objects. May be null.
return Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel

RemoveAnonymousDelegates() public method

When given a method definition and a block of statements that represents the Block property of the body of the method this method returns a semantically equivalent SourceMethod with a body that no longer has any anonymous delegate expressions. The given block of statements is mutated in place. Any types that get defined in order to implement the body semantics are returned (null if no such types are defined).
public RemoveAnonymousDelegates ( IMethodDefinition method, BlockStatement body ) : ICollection
method IMethodDefinition The method containing the block that is to be rewritten.
body BlockStatement The block to be rewritten. /// The entire tree rooted at the block must be mutable and the nodes must not be shared with anything else.
return ICollection

Rewrite() public method

Rewrites the given anonymous delegate expression.
public Rewrite ( IAnonymousDelegate anonymousDelegate ) : IExpression
anonymousDelegate IAnonymousDelegate
return IExpression

Rewrite() public method

Rewrites the given assignment expression.
public Rewrite ( IAssignment assignment ) : IExpression
assignment IAssignment
return IExpression

Rewrite() public method

Rewrites the given this reference expression.
public Rewrite ( IThisReference thisReference ) : IExpression
thisReference IThisReference
return IExpression

Rewrite() public method

Rewrites the children of the given local declaration statement.
public Rewrite ( ILocalDeclarationStatement localDeclarationStatement ) : IStatement
localDeclarationStatement ILocalDeclarationStatement
return IStatement

Rewrite() public method

Rewrites the given generic method parameter reference.
public Rewrite ( IGenericMethodParameterReference genericMethodParameterReference ) : ITypeReference
genericMethodParameterReference IGenericMethodParameterReference
return ITypeReference

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given addressable expression.
public RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression addressableExpression ) : void
addressableExpression Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.AddressableExpression
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given block expression.
public RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression blockExpression ) : void
blockExpression Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BlockExpression
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given statement block.
public RewriteChildren ( BlockStatement block ) : void
block BlockStatement
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given bound expression.
public RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression boundExpression ) : void
boundExpression Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.BoundExpression
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given catch clause.
public RewriteChildren ( CatchClause catchClause ) : void
catchClause CatchClause
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given foreach statement.
public RewriteChildren ( ForEachStatement forEachStatement ) : void
forEachStatement ForEachStatement
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given generic method instance reference.
public RewriteChildren ( GenericMethodInstanceReference genericMethodInstanceReference ) : void
genericMethodInstanceReference GenericMethodInstanceReference
return void

RewriteChildren() public method

Rewrites the children of the given target expression.
public RewriteChildren ( Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.TargetExpression targetExpression ) : void
targetExpression Microsoft.Cci.MutableCodeModel.TargetExpression
return void