C# Class Mercurial.Gui.Clients.TortoiseHgClient

This class, and its descendants implement specific handling for the specific type of clients.
Mostra file Open project: TargetProcess/Target-Process-Plugins Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetFileListArguments ( IEnumerable files, string &filename ) : string[]

Saves the file list to disk in a temporary file, and returns the options necessary to pass to the TortoiseHg command line client to read back that list.

SaveFileList ( IEnumerable files, string filename ) : void

Saves the file list to a file with the specified filename.

Private Methods

Method Description
AssignCurrent ( GuiClientType clientType ) : void

Assigns the Current TortoiseHgClient implementation based on the GuiClientType specified.

Method Details

GetFileListArguments() public method

Saves the file list to disk in a temporary file, and returns the options necessary to pass to the TortoiseHg command line client to read back that list.
public GetFileListArguments ( IEnumerable files, string &filename ) : string[]
files IEnumerable /// The names of all the files to save to the file. ///
filename string /// Upon return from this method, will either be the full path to and name of the file /// the files was written to, or null if the file was not saved. ///
return string[]

SaveFileList() public method

Saves the file list to a file with the specified filename.
/// is null or empty. ///
public SaveFileList ( IEnumerable files, string filename ) : void
files IEnumerable /// The names of all the files to save to the file. ///
filename string /// The full path to and name of the file to write the to. ///
return void