C# Class MapAround.Geometry.DefaultCoordinateFactory

Represents default coordinate factory. An instance of MapAround.Geometry.DefaultCoordinateFactory creates instances of MapAround.Geometry.Coordinate.
Inheritance: ICoordinateFactory
Mostra file Open project: gkrsu/maparound.core

Public Methods

Method Description
Create ( double values ) : ICoordinate

Create a new instance of the object representing coordinate.

Create ( double x, double y ) : ICoordinate

Create a new instance of the object representing coordinate.

Method Details

Create() public method

Create a new instance of the object representing coordinate.
public Create ( double values ) : ICoordinate
values double An array containing coordinate values
return ICoordinate

Create() public method

Create a new instance of the object representing coordinate.
public Create ( double x, double y ) : ICoordinate
x double An X coordinate value
y double A Y coordinate value
return ICoordinate