C# Class JsonFx.Json.TypeCoercionUtility

Utility for forcing conversion between types
Mostra file Open project: hiddenswitch/Meteor-Unity Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
CoerceArray System.Array
CoerceList object
CoerceType object
CoerceType object
CoerceType object
CreateMemberMap MemberInfo>.Dictionary
GetEnumerator IEnumerator
GetMemberInfo System.Type
InstantiateObject Object
IsNullable bool
ProcessTypeHint object
SetMemberValue void

Private Methods

Method Description
CoerceArray ( Type elementType, IEnumerable value ) : Array
CoerceList ( Type targetType, Type arrayType, IEnumerable value ) : object
CoerceType ( Type targetType, IDictionary value, MemberInfo>.Dictionary &memberMap ) : object
CoerceType ( Type targetType, IDictionary newValues, object existingObject, MemberInfo>.Dictionary &memberMap ) : object
CoerceType ( Type targetType, object value ) : object
CreateMemberMap ( Type objectType ) : MemberInfo>.Dictionary
GetEnumerator ( object enumerable ) : IEnumerator

Gets the IEnumerator interface of the object.

GetMemberInfo ( MemberInfo>.Dictionary memberMap, string memberName, MemberInfo &memberInfo ) : Type
InstantiateObject ( Type objectType, MemberInfo>.Dictionary &memberMap ) : Object
IsNullable ( Type type ) : bool
ProcessTypeHint ( IDictionary result, string typeInfo, Type &objectType, MemberInfo>.Dictionary &memberMap ) : object

If a Type Hint is present then this method attempts to use it and move any previously parsed data over.

SetMemberValue ( Object result, Type memberType, MemberInfo memberInfo, object value ) : void

Helper method to set value of either property or field