C# Class JetstreamLaunchpadMain.Controllers.InventoryController

Controller for viewing inventories and adding and updating items
Inheritance: BaseController
Mostra file Open project: tersosolutions/JetstreamSDK-.NET_Launchpad Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
GetInventoryList ( string logicalDeviceId, string SearchString, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortDirection ) : System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult

Method to get the Inventory list by page number and page size for server side paging

InventoryDetail ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Displays the list of inventory

InventorySearch ( InventorySearchModel inventorySearchMl, SortingPagingInfo info ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

Search the temperature history by date and model

Private Methods

Method Description
ApplySorting ( SortingPagingInfo info, IEnumerable lstInventoryDetails ) : IEnumerable

Apply sorting to inventory list

Method Details

GetInventoryList() public method

Method to get the Inventory list by page number and page size for server side paging
public GetInventoryList ( string logicalDeviceId, string SearchString, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string sortField, string sortDirection ) : System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult
logicalDeviceId string
SearchString string
pageIndex int
pageSize int
sortField string
sortDirection string
return System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult

InventoryDetail() public method

Displays the list of inventory
public InventoryDetail ( ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult

InventorySearch() public method

Search the temperature history by date and model
public InventorySearch ( InventorySearchModel inventorySearchMl, SortingPagingInfo info ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
inventorySearchMl JetstreamLaunchpad.Entity.InventorySearchModel
info JetstreamLaunchpadMain.Common.SortingPagingInfo
return System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult