C# Class JP.Utils.Animation.AbstractScalarAnimator

Inheritance: IAnimator
Mostra file Open project: JuniperPhoton/JP.Utils.UWP

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_fromValue float
_toValue float

Public Methods

Method Description
AnimateWith ( UIElement uiElement ) : IAnimator
For ( System.TimeSpan time ) : IAnimator
From ( Vector3 fromValue ) : IAnimator
From ( float fromValue ) : IAnimator
Now ( ) : void
To ( Vector3 toValue ) : IAnimator
To ( float toValue ) : IAnimator

Method Details

AnimateWith() public method

public AnimateWith ( UIElement uiElement ) : IAnimator
uiElement Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement
return IAnimator

For() public method

public For ( System.TimeSpan time ) : IAnimator
time System.TimeSpan
return IAnimator

From() public method

public From ( Vector3 fromValue ) : IAnimator
fromValue Vector3
return IAnimator

From() public method

public From ( float fromValue ) : IAnimator
fromValue float
return IAnimator

Now() public method

public Now ( ) : void
return void

To() public method

public To ( Vector3 toValue ) : IAnimator
toValue Vector3
return IAnimator

To() public method

public To ( float toValue ) : IAnimator
toValue float
return IAnimator

Property Details

_fromValue protected_oe property

protected float _fromValue
return float

_toValue protected_oe property

protected float _toValue
return float