C# Class InvertedSoftware.WorkflowEngine.FrameworkManager

Mostra file Open project: invertedsoftware/Inverted-Software-Workflow-Engine

Public Methods

Method Description
AddFrameworkJob ( string jobName, IWorkflowMessage message ) : void

Add a job for the framework to process

GetActiveQueue ( ProcessorJob processorJob, QueueOperationType queueOperationType ) : ProcessorQueue

Get the currently active Queue to pickup or deliver messages

ReAddFrameworkJob ( string jobName, IWorkflowMessage message ) : void

Re adds a Job that ran in the past for re processing This will make sure to ignore any "DependsOn" rules and will only run active steps

Private Methods

Method Description
AddFrameworkError ( ProcessorJob processorJob, IWorkflowMessage message, WorkflowErrorMessage errorMessage ) : void

Add a message containing the error to the error queue and the original message to the poison queue

AddFrameworkJobComplete ( ProcessorJob processorJob, IWorkflowMessage message ) : void

Method Details

AddFrameworkJob() public static method

Add a job for the framework to process
public static AddFrameworkJob ( string jobName, IWorkflowMessage message ) : void
jobName string The name of the job in the framework's workflow file
message IWorkflowMessage A class containing the message data
return void

GetActiveQueue() public static method

Get the currently active Queue to pickup or deliver messages
public static GetActiveQueue ( ProcessorJob processorJob, QueueOperationType queueOperationType ) : ProcessorQueue
processorJob InvertedSoftware.WorkflowEngine.DataObjects.ProcessorJob The current loaded configuration
queueOperationType QueueOperationType The type of operation to execute on the Queue
return InvertedSoftware.WorkflowEngine.DataObjects.ProcessorQueue

ReAddFrameworkJob() public static method

Re adds a Job that ran in the past for re processing This will make sure to ignore any "DependsOn" rules and will only run active steps
public static ReAddFrameworkJob ( string jobName, IWorkflowMessage message ) : void
jobName string The name of the job in the framework's workflow file
message IWorkflowMessage A class containing the message data
return void