C# Class Host.VM.ScrollingModulesConfigurationViewModel

Inheritance: ConfigBase
Mostra file Open project: Invenietis/ck-certified Class Usage Examples

Private Properties

Property Type Description
Apply void
FillGroupFromModules void
FromServiceToConf void
GetFromConfig void
GetFromService void
InitializeUI void
OnCollectionChanged void
OnElementRegisteredOrUnregistered void
RemoveFromConf void
UpdateAll void

Public Methods

Method Description
ScrollingModulesConfigurationViewModel ( string displayName, AppViewModel app ) : System

Protected Methods

Method Description
OnActivate ( ) : void
OnConfigChanged ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
OnInitialize ( ) : void
OnPluginLoaded ( ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
Apply ( ) : void
FillGroupFromModules ( CK.Windows.Config.ConfigGroup &group, ObservableCollection modules ) : void
FromServiceToConf ( string elementInternalName ) : void

Action called to forbidden scrolling on a module that is registered in the service and that has the right to be scrolled

GetFromConfig ( ) : void
GetFromService ( ) : void
InitializeUI ( ) : void
OnCollectionChanged ( object sender, System e ) : void
OnElementRegisteredOrUnregistered ( object sender, HighlightElementRegisterEventArgs e ) : void
RemoveFromConf ( string elementInternalName ) : void

Action called to re-enable a module which has been forbidden its right to be scrolled. If the module is currently registered, it will be transfered into the service collection. If not, it will be discarded.

UpdateAll ( ) : void

Method Details

OnActivate() protected method

protected OnActivate ( ) : void
return void

OnConfigChanged() protected method

protected OnConfigChanged ( object sender, CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs e ) : void
sender object
e CK.Plugin.Config.ConfigChangedEventArgs
return void

OnInitialize() protected method

protected OnInitialize ( ) : void
return void

OnPluginLoaded() protected method

protected OnPluginLoaded ( ) : void
return void

ScrollingModulesConfigurationViewModel() public method

public ScrollingModulesConfigurationViewModel ( string displayName, AppViewModel app ) : System
displayName string
app AppViewModel
return System