C# Class HireSpaceScheduledJobs.Utils.ProbabilityUtils

Utilities for calculating probabilities for normally distributed variables.
Mostra file Open project: hirespace/ProbabilityUtils

Public Methods

Method Description
Integral ( UnaryFunction f, double a, double b ) : double

Approximation of a definite integral of a unary function using Simpson's 3/8 rule.

ProbabilityLessThanX ( double x ) : double

The probability of getting x or less given a standard normal distribution.

ProbabilityLessThanX ( double x, double mean, double sd ) : double

The probability of getting x or less given a non-standard normal distribution.

StandardDeviation ( IEnumerable values ) : double

Calculate the standard deviation of a set of doubles.

StandardDeviation ( IEnumerable values ) : double

Caculates the standard deviation of a set of integer values.

StandardNormalPdf ( double x ) : double

The probability density function of the standard normal pdf.

Z ( double score, double average, double standardDeviation ) : double

Calculate the normal score of a raw score given the mean and standard deviation.

Method Details

Integral() public static method

Approximation of a definite integral of a unary function using Simpson's 3/8 rule.
public static Integral ( UnaryFunction f, double a, double b ) : double
f UnaryFunction /// The function. ///
a double /// The lower bound. ///
b double /// The upper bound. ///
return double

ProbabilityLessThanX() public static method

The probability of getting x or less given a standard normal distribution.
public static ProbabilityLessThanX ( double x ) : double
x double /// The value x. ///
return double

ProbabilityLessThanX() public static method

The probability of getting x or less given a non-standard normal distribution.
public static ProbabilityLessThanX ( double x, double mean, double sd ) : double
x double /// The value x. ///
mean double /// The mean of the distribution ///
sd double /// The standard deviation of the distribution ///
return double

StandardDeviation() public static method

Calculate the standard deviation of a set of doubles.
public static StandardDeviation ( IEnumerable values ) : double
values IEnumerable /// The values. ///
return double

StandardDeviation() public static method

Caculates the standard deviation of a set of integer values.
public static StandardDeviation ( IEnumerable values ) : double
values IEnumerable /// The values. ///
return double

StandardNormalPdf() public static method

The probability density function of the standard normal pdf.
public static StandardNormalPdf ( double x ) : double
x double /// The variable x. ///
return double

Z() public static method

Calculate the normal score of a raw score given the mean and standard deviation.
public static Z ( double score, double average, double standardDeviation ) : double
score double
average double /// The mean. ///
standardDeviation double /// The standard deviation. ///
return double