C# Class Hexapet.XboxHidController

Mostra file Open project: peejster/hexapet Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
MaxMagnitude int>.Dictionary

Private Properties

Property Type Description
coordinatesToDirection ControllerDirection
getMagnitude double
inputReportReceived void

Public Methods

Method Description
XboxHidController ( HidDevice deviceHandle ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the XboxHidController class from a HidDevice handle

Private Methods

Method Description
coordinatesToDirection ( double x, double y ) : ControllerDirection

Converts thumbstick X/Y coordinates centered at (0,0) to a direction

getMagnitude ( double x, double y ) : double

Gets the magnitude of the vector formed by the X/Y coordinates

inputReportReceived ( HidDevice sender, HidInputReportReceivedEventArgs args ) : void

Handler for processing/filtering input from the controller

Method Details

XboxHidController() public method

Initializes a new instance of the XboxHidController class from a HidDevice handle
public XboxHidController ( HidDevice deviceHandle ) : System
deviceHandle HidDevice Handle to the HidDevice
return System

Property Details

MaxMagnitude public_oe property

public Dictionary MaxMagnitude
return int>.Dictionary