C# Class HandCoded.Xsl.Transformation

The Transformation class is a wrapper around the XSL APIs that allows a XslTransform to be created from a file and applied to DOM Document.
Mostra file Open project: formicary/fpml-toolkit-csharp

Public Methods

Method Description
Transform ( XmlNode node ) : XmlDocument

Applies the XSL transformation to the indicated DOM XmlNode and returns the resulting document.

Transformation ( string filename ) : System

Constructs a Transformation instance using the XSL source in the specified file.

Private Methods

Method Description
CloneNode ( XmlDocument document, XmlNode node ) : XmlNode

Makes copy of the indicated XmlNode and its child nodes.

CreateFragment ( XmlNode node ) : XmlDocument

Copies the XmlNode into a new XmlDocument.

Method Details

Transform() public method

Applies the XSL transformation to the indicated DOM XmlNode and returns the resulting document.
public Transform ( XmlNode node ) : XmlDocument
node System.Xml.XmlNode The source DOM .
return System.Xml.XmlDocument

Transformation() public method

Constructs a Transformation instance using the XSL source in the specified file.
public Transformation ( string filename ) : System
filename string The XSL filename.
return System