C# Class Goedel.Mesh.Platform.RegistrationPersonal

Describes the registration of as profile on as machine. This includes the fingerprint, the cached profile data and the list of portal entries to which the profile is bound.
Inheritance: Registration
Mostra file Open project: hallambaker/Mathematical-Mesh Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Profile SignedPersonalProfile
Profiles SignedProfile>.SortedList

Public Methods

Method Description
Refresh ( ) : void

Fetch the latest version of the profile version

RegistrationPersonal ( SignedPersonalProfile Profile, List Portals ) : System

Register a personal profile in the Windows registry

RegistrationPersonal ( string UDF, string File ) : System

Read a personal registration from a file

ToRegistry ( ) : void

Write values to registry

Update ( ) : void

Update portal entries.

Method Details

Refresh() public method

Fetch the latest version of the profile version
public Refresh ( ) : void
return void

RegistrationPersonal() public method

Register a personal profile in the Windows registry
public RegistrationPersonal ( SignedPersonalProfile Profile, List Portals ) : System
Profile SignedPersonalProfile The personal profile
Portals List The list of portals.
return System

RegistrationPersonal() public method

Read a personal registration from a file
public RegistrationPersonal ( string UDF, string File ) : System
UDF string File fingerprint
File string Filename on local machine
return System

ToRegistry() public method

Write values to registry
public ToRegistry ( ) : void
return void

Update() public method

Update portal entries.
public Update ( ) : void
return void

Property Details

Profile public_oe property

The most recent cached profile data, if available.
public SignedPersonalProfile Profile
return SignedPersonalProfile

Profiles public_oe property

Profiles associated with this account in chronological order.
public SortedList Profiles
return SignedProfile>.SortedList