C# Class Glare.Assets.PaletteAsset

A collection of color values.
Inheritance: Asset
Mostra file Open project: Burton-Radons/Alexandria Class Usage Examples

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
ColorsMutable Codex

Public Methods

Method Description
Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : Control

Produces a picture box showing the colors.

PaletteAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name ) : System

Initialise the asset.

PaletteAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name, IEnumerable colors ) : System

Initialise the asset.

PaletteAsset ( FolderAsset folder, string name ) : System

Initialise the asset.

PaletteAsset ( FolderAsset folder, string name, IEnumerable colors ) : System

Initialise the asset.

ReadRgb ( AssetManager manager, string name, BinaryReader reader, int count, int max, int transparentIndex = -1, IEnumerable leftPadding = null, IEnumerable rightPadding = null ) : PaletteAsset

Read a PaletteAsset from the BinaryReader.

Method Details

Browse() public method

Produces a picture box showing the colors.
public Browse ( Action progressUpdateCallback = null ) : Control
progressUpdateCallback Action
return System.Windows.Forms.Control

PaletteAsset() public method

Initialise the asset.
public PaletteAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name ) : System
manager AssetManager
name string
return System

PaletteAsset() public method

Initialise the asset.
public PaletteAsset ( AssetManager manager, string name, IEnumerable colors ) : System
manager AssetManager
name string
colors IEnumerable
return System

PaletteAsset() public method

Initialise the asset.
public PaletteAsset ( FolderAsset folder, string name ) : System
folder FolderAsset
name string
return System

PaletteAsset() public method

Initialise the asset.
public PaletteAsset ( FolderAsset folder, string name, IEnumerable colors ) : System
folder FolderAsset
name string
colors IEnumerable
return System

ReadRgb() public static method

Read a PaletteAsset from the BinaryReader.
public static ReadRgb ( AssetManager manager, string name, BinaryReader reader, int count, int max, int transparentIndex = -1, IEnumerable leftPadding = null, IEnumerable rightPadding = null ) : PaletteAsset
manager AssetManager
name string
reader System.IO.BinaryReader
count int
max int
transparentIndex int
leftPadding IEnumerable Colors that are added to the start of the palette, if non-null.
rightPadding IEnumerable Colors that are added to the end of the palette, if non-null.
return PaletteAsset

Property Details

ColorsMutable protected_oe property

Get the collection of colors.
protected Codex ColorsMutable
return Codex