C# Class Geisha.Engine.Core.SceneModel.ComponentFactoryNotFoundException

The exception that is thrown when no implementation of IComponentFactory was found for specified component type or component id.
Inheritance: Exception
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Public Methods

Method Description
ComponentFactoryNotFoundException ( Geisha.Engine.Core.SceneModel.ComponentId componentId, IReadOnlyCollection componentFactories ) : System

Creates new instance of ComponentFactoryNotFoundException class for specified componentId.

ComponentFactoryNotFoundException ( Type componentType, IReadOnlyCollection componentFactories ) : System

Creates new instance of ComponentFactoryNotFoundException class for specified componentType.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetMessage ( Geisha.Engine.Core.SceneModel.ComponentId componentId, IEnumerable factories ) : string
GetMessage ( Type componentType, IEnumerable factories ) : string
GetMessage ( string header, IEnumerable factories ) : string
Sorted ( IEnumerable factories ) : IEnumerable

Method Details

ComponentFactoryNotFoundException() public method

Creates new instance of ComponentFactoryNotFoundException class for specified componentId.
public ComponentFactoryNotFoundException ( Geisha.Engine.Core.SceneModel.ComponentId componentId, IReadOnlyCollection componentFactories ) : System
componentId Geisha.Engine.Core.SceneModel.ComponentId Id of component for which factory was not found.
componentFactories IReadOnlyCollection Collection of all available factories.
return System

ComponentFactoryNotFoundException() public method

Creates new instance of ComponentFactoryNotFoundException class for specified componentType.
public ComponentFactoryNotFoundException ( Type componentType, IReadOnlyCollection componentFactories ) : System
componentType Type Type of component for which factory was not found.
componentFactories IReadOnlyCollection Collection of all available factories.
return System