C# Class GFx.Value

The Value class provides a wrapper for the native Scaleform Value which can represent a number, string, ActionScript VM object, ActionScript array, functions etc. It provides a set of methods such as Get/SetMember to directly interact with Scaleform Values.
Inheritance: System.Object
Mostra file Open project: noahfreedman/Stereoscopic_Scatterplot

Public Properties

Property Type Description
MovieId long
Type ValueType
pInternalData IntPtr

Public Methods

Method Description
AttachMovie ( Value &dest, String symbolName, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
ClearElements ( ) : bool
ConvertFromASObject ( Type objectType ) : object
ConvertToASObject ( object obj, Movie mv ) : Value
CreateEmptyMovieClip ( Value &dest, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
CreateValue ( object o ) : Value
Equals ( Value obj ) : bool
GetArraySize ( ) : int
GetBool ( ) : Boolean
GetColorTransform ( SFCxForm &cxform ) : bool
GetDisplayInfo ( ) : SFDisplayInfo
GetDisplayMatrix ( ) : SFDisplayMatrix
GetElement ( UInt32 idx ) : Value
GetInt ( ) : Int32
GetMember ( String elemName ) : Value
GetMember ( String elemName, Value &dest ) : bool
GetNumber ( ) : double
GetObject ( ) : Value
GetString ( ) : String
GetText ( Value &txt ) : bool
GetType ( ) : ValueType
GetUInt ( ) : UInt32
GotoAndPlay ( Int32 frameNum ) : bool
GotoAndPlayFrame ( String frameName ) : bool
GotoAndStop ( Int32 frameNum ) : bool
GotoAndStopFrame ( String frameName ) : bool
Invoke ( String methodName ) : Value
IsArray ( ) : Boolean
IsBoolean ( ) : Boolean
IsDisplayObject ( ) : Boolean
IsInt ( ) : Boolean
IsNull ( ) : Boolean
IsNumber ( ) : Boolean
IsNumeric ( ) : Boolean
IsObject ( ) : Boolean
IsString ( ) : Boolean
IsStringW ( ) : Boolean
IsUInt ( ) : Boolean
IsUndefined ( ) : Boolean
IsValid ( ) : bool
RemoveElement ( UInt32 idx ) : bool
RemoveMovieAS2 ( Value movieRemoved ) : bool
RemoveMovieAS3 ( Value movieRemoved ) : bool
Serialize ( ) : IntPtr
SetArraySize ( UInt32 sz ) : bool
SetBool ( Boolean bval ) : void
SetColorTransform ( SFCxForm cxform ) : bool
SetDisplayInfo ( SFDisplayInfo dinfo ) : bool
SetDisplayMatrix ( SFDisplayMatrix dmat ) : bool
SetElement ( UInt32 idx, Value val ) : bool
SetInt ( Int32 ival ) : void
SetMember ( String elemName, Boolean bval ) : bool
SetMember ( String elemName, String str ) : bool
SetMember ( String elemName, Value val ) : bool
SetMember ( String elemName, double num ) : bool
SetMember ( String elemName, int num ) : bool
SetMember ( String elemName, uint num ) : bool
SetNumber ( double num ) : void
SetString ( String str ) : void
SetText ( String str ) : bool
SetUInt ( UInt32 uival ) : void
ToString ( ) : string
Value ( )
Value ( Boolean bval, long movieID )
Value ( Double nval, long movieID )
Value ( String sval, long movieID )
Value ( Value val )

Private Methods

Method Description
SF_AllocateBoolean ( Boolean bval, long movieID ) : IntPtr
SF_AllocateDouble ( Double nval, long movieID ) : IntPtr
SF_AllocateString ( String sval, long movieID ) : IntPtr
SF_AttachMovie ( Value target, [ dest, String symbolName, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
SF_ClearElements ( Value target ) : bool
SF_CreateEmptyMovieClip ( Value target, [ dest, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
SF_CreateNewValue ( IntPtr src, long movieID ) : IntPtr
SF_DecrementValRefCount ( IntPtr val ) : void
SF_Equals ( Value val1, Value val2 ) : Boolean
SF_GetArraySize ( Value target ) : int
SF_GetBool ( Value val ) : bool
SF_GetColorTransform ( Value target, [ cxform ) : bool
SF_GetDisplayInfo ( Value target, [ dinfo, Int32 size ) : bool
SF_GetDisplayMatrix ( Value target, [ dmat, Int32 size ) : bool
SF_GetElement ( Value target, UInt32 idx, [ dest ) : bool
SF_GetInt ( Value val ) : Int32
SF_GetMember ( Value target, String elemName, [ dest ) : bool
SF_GetNumber ( Value val ) : double
SF_GetObject ( Value val, IntPtr newval ) : void
SF_GetString ( Value val ) : IntPtr
SF_GetText ( Value target, [ dst ) : bool
SF_GetUInt ( Value val ) : UInt32
SF_GotoAndPlay ( Value target, Int32 frameNum ) : bool
SF_GotoAndPlayFrame ( Value target, String frameName ) : bool
SF_GotoAndStop ( Value target, Int32 frameNum ) : bool
SF_GotoAndStopFrame ( Value target, String frameName ) : bool
SF_Invoke2 ( Value val, String methodName, int numVal, IntPtr iptr, [ retVal ) : bool
SF_RemoveElement ( Value target, UInt32 idx ) : bool
SF_SetArraySize ( Value target, UInt32 sz ) : bool
SF_SetBool ( Value val, bool bval ) : void
SF_SetColorTransform ( Value target, SFCxForm cxform ) : bool
SF_SetDisplayInfo ( Value target, SFDisplayInfo dinfo, Int32 size ) : bool
SF_SetDisplayMatrix ( Value target, SFDisplayMatrix dmat, Int32 size ) : bool
SF_SetElement ( Value target, UInt32 idx, Value val ) : bool
SF_SetInt ( Value val, Int32 ival ) : void
SF_SetMember ( Value target, String elemName, Value val ) : bool
SF_SetNumber ( Value val, double num ) : void
SF_SetString ( Value val, IntPtr str ) : void
SF_SetText ( Value target, String str ) : bool
SF_SetUInt ( Value val, UInt32 uival ) : void

Method Details

AttachMovie() public method

public AttachMovie ( Value &dest, String symbolName, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
dest Value
symbolName String
instanceName String
depth Int32
return bool

ClearElements() public method

public ClearElements ( ) : bool
return bool

ConvertFromASObject() public method

public ConvertFromASObject ( Type objectType ) : object
objectType Type
return object

ConvertToASObject() public static method

public static ConvertToASObject ( object obj, Movie mv ) : Value
obj object
mv Movie
return Value

CreateEmptyMovieClip() public method

public CreateEmptyMovieClip ( Value &dest, String instanceName, Int32 depth ) : bool
dest Value
instanceName String
depth Int32
return bool

CreateValue() public method

public CreateValue ( object o ) : Value
o object
return Value

Equals() public method

public Equals ( Value obj ) : bool
obj Value
return bool

GetArraySize() public method

public GetArraySize ( ) : int
return int

GetBool() public method

public GetBool ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

GetColorTransform() public method

public GetColorTransform ( SFCxForm &cxform ) : bool
cxform SFCxForm
return bool

GetDisplayInfo() public method

public GetDisplayInfo ( ) : SFDisplayInfo
return SFDisplayInfo

GetDisplayMatrix() public method

public GetDisplayMatrix ( ) : SFDisplayMatrix
return SFDisplayMatrix

GetElement() public method

public GetElement ( UInt32 idx ) : Value
idx UInt32
return Value

GetInt() public method

public GetInt ( ) : Int32
return Int32

GetMember() public method

public GetMember ( String elemName ) : Value
elemName String
return Value

GetMember() public method

public GetMember ( String elemName, Value &dest ) : bool
elemName String
dest Value
return bool

GetNumber() public method

public GetNumber ( ) : double
return double

GetObject() public method

public GetObject ( ) : Value
return Value

GetString() public method

public GetString ( ) : String
return String

GetText() public method

public GetText ( Value &txt ) : bool
txt Value
return bool

GetType() public method

public GetType ( ) : ValueType
return ValueType

GetUInt() public method

public GetUInt ( ) : UInt32
return UInt32

GotoAndPlay() public method

public GotoAndPlay ( Int32 frameNum ) : bool
frameNum Int32
return bool

GotoAndPlayFrame() public method

public GotoAndPlayFrame ( String frameName ) : bool
frameName String
return bool

GotoAndStop() public method

public GotoAndStop ( Int32 frameNum ) : bool
frameNum Int32
return bool

GotoAndStopFrame() public method

public GotoAndStopFrame ( String frameName ) : bool
frameName String
return bool

Invoke() public method

public Invoke ( String methodName ) : Value
methodName String
return Value

IsArray() public method

public IsArray ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsBoolean() public method

public IsBoolean ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsDisplayObject() public method

public IsDisplayObject ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsInt() public method

public IsInt ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsNull() public method

public IsNull ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsNumber() public method

public IsNumber ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsNumeric() public method

public IsNumeric ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsObject() public method

public IsObject ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsString() public method

public IsString ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsStringW() public method

public IsStringW ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsUInt() public method

public IsUInt ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsUndefined() public method

public IsUndefined ( ) : Boolean
return Boolean

IsValid() public method

public IsValid ( ) : bool
return bool

RemoveElement() public method

public RemoveElement ( UInt32 idx ) : bool
idx UInt32
return bool

RemoveMovieAS2() public method

public RemoveMovieAS2 ( Value movieRemoved ) : bool
movieRemoved Value
return bool

RemoveMovieAS3() public method

public RemoveMovieAS3 ( Value movieRemoved ) : bool
movieRemoved Value
return bool

Serialize() public method

public Serialize ( ) : IntPtr
return IntPtr

SetArraySize() public method

public SetArraySize ( UInt32 sz ) : bool
sz UInt32
return bool

SetBool() public method

public SetBool ( Boolean bval ) : void
bval Boolean
return void

SetColorTransform() public method

public SetColorTransform ( SFCxForm cxform ) : bool
cxform SFCxForm
return bool

SetDisplayInfo() public method

public SetDisplayInfo ( SFDisplayInfo dinfo ) : bool
dinfo SFDisplayInfo
return bool

SetDisplayMatrix() public method

public SetDisplayMatrix ( SFDisplayMatrix dmat ) : bool
dmat SFDisplayMatrix
return bool

SetElement() public method

public SetElement ( UInt32 idx, Value val ) : bool
idx UInt32
val Value
return bool

SetInt() public method

public SetInt ( Int32 ival ) : void
ival Int32
return void

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, Boolean bval ) : bool
elemName String
bval Boolean
return bool

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, String str ) : bool
elemName String
str String
return bool

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, Value val ) : bool
elemName String
val Value
return bool

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, double num ) : bool
elemName String
num double
return bool

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, int num ) : bool
elemName String
num int
return bool

SetMember() public method

public SetMember ( String elemName, uint num ) : bool
elemName String
num uint
return bool

SetNumber() public method

public SetNumber ( double num ) : void
num double
return void

SetString() public method

public SetString ( String str ) : void
str String
return void

SetText() public method

public SetText ( String str ) : bool
str String
return bool

SetUInt() public method

public SetUInt ( UInt32 uival ) : void
uival UInt32
return void

ToString() public method

public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Value() public method

public Value ( )

Value() public method

public Value ( Boolean bval, long movieID )
bval Boolean
movieID long

Value() public method

public Value ( Double nval, long movieID )
nval Double
movieID long

Value() public method

public Value ( String sval, long movieID )
sval String
movieID long

Value() public method

public Value ( Value val )
val Value

Property Details

MovieId public_oe property

public long MovieId
return long

Type public_oe property

public ValueType Type
return ValueType

pInternalData public_oe property

public IntPtr pInternalData
return IntPtr