C# Class GBD.GbdJarvis

The GBD helper class. Named after the fun ai in ironman..
Mostra file Open project: DigitalGlobe/DGConnect-ESRI

Public Methods

Method Description
CreateAois ( IEnvelope env ) : List

Takes the users large AOI and breaks it down to smaller 1x1 degree AOI's to query all information in the larger one.

GetPointsFromWkt ( string wkt ) : List

Takes the points from the WKT string and stores them in a list.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetSmallerAoi ( IPoint startingPoint, IEnvelope env, IPoint &nextPoint ) : GbdPolygon

Get smaller AOI

GetX ( IPoint startingPoint, IEnvelope env ) : double

Get the next X value from the starting point

GetY ( IPoint startingPoint, IEnvelope env ) : double

Get the next Y value from the starting point

ProcessRow ( List list, IPoint startingPoint, IEnvelope env ) : List

Process the row across the large AOI

Method Details

CreateAois() public static method

Takes the users large AOI and breaks it down to smaller 1x1 degree AOI's to query all information in the larger one.
public static CreateAois ( IEnvelope env ) : List
env IEnvelope /// The envelope of the large AOI ///
return List

GetPointsFromWkt() public static method

Takes the points from the WKT string and stores them in a list.
public static GetPointsFromWkt ( string wkt ) : List
wkt string /// Well Known Text (WKT) of the polygon. ///
return List