C# Class FullInspector.LayoutToolkit.fiLayout

A rule in the layout toolkit. A rule defines how some layout operation will occur. The primary rules are the horizontal and vertical rules, which function similar to Unity's GUILayout.BeginHorizontal and BeginVertical. However, rules are much more flexible; there is also a rule for centering items vertically, among other things.
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Public Methods

Method Description
GetSectionRect ( string id, Rect initial ) : Rect

Return the rect for the given section identifier.

RespondsTo ( string id ) : bool

Does this layout rule respond to the given section identifier?

Method Details

GetSectionRect() public abstract method

Return the rect for the given section identifier.
public abstract GetSectionRect ( string id, Rect initial ) : Rect
id string
initial UnityEngine.Rect
return UnityEngine.Rect

RespondsTo() public abstract method

Does this layout rule respond to the given section identifier?
public abstract RespondsTo ( string id ) : bool
id string
return bool