C# Class FontEffectsLibSamples.AchievementPanel

Example implementation of ComplexSprite. Uses 3 sprites: An "Achievement!" title, a description text field, and a black background. Also raises events upon state change.
Inheritance: FontEffectsLib.SpriteTypes.ComplexSprite, IStateful
Mostra file Open project: GreatMindsRobotics/FontEffectsLib Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Condition ConditionChecker
Height int
Width int

Protected Properties

Property Type Description
_velocity Vector2

Public Methods

Method Description
AchievementPanel ( float startX, SpriteFont title, SpriteFont desc, string achievementDesc, GraphicsDevice dev ) : System
AreFiveCoinsInsert ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
AreHundredDollarsDonated ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
IsNoCoinsInsertedAtThirtySeconds ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
changeState ( PanelState newState ) : void

Method Details

AchievementPanel() public method

public AchievementPanel ( float startX, SpriteFont title, SpriteFont desc, string achievementDesc, GraphicsDevice dev ) : System
startX float
title Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont
desc Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SpriteFont
achievementDesc string
dev GraphicsDevice
return System

AreFiveCoinsInsert() public static method

public static AreFiveCoinsInsert ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
currentGameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return bool

AreHundredDollarsDonated() public static method

public static AreHundredDollarsDonated ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
currentGameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return bool

IsNoCoinsInsertedAtThirtySeconds() public static method

public static IsNoCoinsInsertedAtThirtySeconds ( GameTime currentGameTime ) : bool
currentGameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return bool

Update() public method

public Update ( GameTime gameTime ) : void
gameTime Microsoft.Xna.Framework.GameTime
return void

Property Details

Condition public_oe property

public ConditionChecker Condition
return ConditionChecker

Height public_oe property

public int Height
return int

Width public_oe property

public int Width
return int

_velocity protected_oe property

protected Vector2 _velocity
return Vector2