C# Class Fluqi.Widget.jMenu.Menu

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Public Methods

Method Description
Items ( ) : jMenuItem.MenuItems

The MenuItems that should appear under the menu

Menu ( TextWriter writer ) : System

Detailed constructor

Menu ( TextWriter writer, string id ) : System

Detailed constructor

Render ( ) : void

Writes the HTML for the Menu control to the response stream.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetControlScript ( int tabDepth ) : string

Writes out the calling script for the jQuery Tabs plugin, adding options that have been a defined.

GetTagHtml ( ) : string

Builds and returns the HTML for the Menu control (basically the DIV). JavaScript initialisation for the control is also added to the response stream if the AutoScript rendering option is true.

Reset ( TextWriter writer, string id ) : void

Resets the underlying menu object back to it's initial state

Method Details

GetControlScript() protected method

Writes out the calling script for the jQuery Tabs plugin, adding options that have been a defined.
protected GetControlScript ( int tabDepth ) : string
tabDepth int /// How far to indent the script code setting. ///
return string

GetTagHtml() protected method

Builds and returns the HTML for the Menu control (basically the DIV). JavaScript initialisation for the control is also added to the response stream if the AutoScript rendering option is true.
protected GetTagHtml ( ) : string
return string

Items() public method

The MenuItems that should appear under the menu
public Items ( ) : jMenuItem.MenuItems
return jMenuItem.MenuItems

Menu() public method

Detailed constructor
public Menu ( TextWriter writer ) : System
writer TextWriter Response stream to write the control to
return System

Menu() public method

Detailed constructor
public Menu ( TextWriter writer, string id ) : System
writer TextWriter Response stream to write the control to
id string ID of the control (which must be unique on the page)
return System

Render() public method

Writes the HTML for the Menu control to the response stream.
public Render ( ) : void
return void

Reset() protected method

Resets the underlying menu object back to it's initial state
protected Reset ( TextWriter writer, string id ) : void
writer TextWriter Textwriter to use when rendering
id string ID to render for the control
return void