C# Class FluentBuild.ApplicationProperties.TeamCityProperties

Access common properties set by team city
Inheritance: ITeamCityProperties
Mostra file Open project: SkightTeam/eLiteWeb Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
BuildVersionControlSystemNumber ( string simplifiedVcsRootName ) : string

Gets the latest revision included in the build from the source control system.

GetProperty ( string propertyName ) : string

Gets a property by name

Private Methods

Method Description
GetEnvironmentVariable ( string name ) : string
TeamCityProperties ( ) : System
TeamCityProperties ( IEnvironmentVariableWrapper environmentVariableWrapper ) : System

Method Details

BuildVersionControlSystemNumber() public method

Gets the latest revision included in the build from the source control system.
public BuildVersionControlSystemNumber ( string simplifiedVcsRootName ) : string
simplifiedVcsRootName string The version control root name with any non-alphanumeric characters replaced with a "_"
return string

GetProperty() public method

Gets a property by name
public GetProperty ( string propertyName ) : string
propertyName string the name of the team city environment variable
return string