C# Class Files.IFF.SPR2

This chunk type holds a number of paletted sprites that may have z-buffer and/or alpha channels.
Inheritance: IFFChunk
Mostra file Open project: Afr0Games/Project-Dollhouse Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
Version uint

Public Methods

Method Description
SPR2 ( IFFChunk BaseChunk ) : System
this ( int Key ) : SPR2Frame

Gets a specific sprite.

Private Methods

Method Description
GetSprite ( int ID, PALT Palette ) : SPR2Frame

Method Details

SPR2() public method

public SPR2 ( IFFChunk BaseChunk ) : System
BaseChunk IFFChunk
return System

this() public method

Gets a specific sprite.
public this ( int Key ) : SPR2Frame
Key int The ID of the sprite to get.
return SPR2Frame

Property Details

Version public_oe property

public uint Version
return uint