C# Class Evbpc.Framework.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlCollection

Inheritance: IEnumerable, ICloneable, IList, ICollection
Mostra file Open project: EBrown8534/Framework

Private Properties

Property Type Description
ControlCollection System
ICloneable object
IList bool
IList int
IList void
IList void
IList void
IList void
InternalAdd void
this objectIList.System

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( Control value ) : void

Adds the specified control to the control collection.


AddRange ( Control controls ) : void

Adds an array of control objects to the collection.


Clear ( ) : void

Removes all controls from the collection.


Contains ( Control control ) : bool

Determines whether the specified control is a member of the collection.

ContainsKey ( string key ) : bool

Determines whether the ControlCollection contains an item with the specified key.


ControlCollection ( Control owner ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the ControlCollection class.

CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void

Copies the entire contents of this collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array.


Find ( string key, bool searchAllChildren ) : Evbpc.Framework.Windows.Forms.Control[]

Searches for controls by their Name property and builds an array of all the controls that match.


GetChildIndex ( Control child ) : int

Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection.


GetChildIndex ( Control child, bool throwException ) : int

Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection, and optionally raises an exception if the specified control is not within the control collection.


GetEnumerator ( ) : IEnumerator

Retrieves a reference to an enumerator object that is used to iterate over a ControlCollection.


IndexOf ( Control control ) : int

Retrieves the index of the specified control in the control collection.


IndexOfKey ( string key ) : int

Retrieves the index of the specified control in the control collection.


Remove ( Control value ) : void

Removes the specified control from the control collection.


RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Removes a control from the control collection at the specified indexed location.


RemoveByKey ( string key ) : void

Removes the child control with the specified key.


SetChildIndex ( Control child, int newIndex ) : void

Sets the index of the specified child control in the collection to the specified index value.


this ( int index ) : Control

Indicates the Control at the specified indexed location in the collection.


this ( string key ) : Control

Indicates a Control with the specified key in the collection.


Private Methods

Method Description
ControlCollection ( Control owner, List controls ) : System
ICloneable ( ) : object
IList ( object value ) : bool
IList ( object control ) : int
IList ( ) : void
IList ( int index ) : void
IList ( int index, object value ) : void
IList ( object control ) : void
InternalAdd ( Control value ) : void
this ( int index ) : objectIList.System

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds the specified control to the control collection.
public Add ( Control value ) : void
value Control The to add to the control collection.
return void

AddRange() public method

Adds an array of control objects to the collection.
public AddRange ( Control controls ) : void
controls Control An array of objects to add to the collection.
return void

Clear() public method

Removes all controls from the collection.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Contains() public method

Determines whether the specified control is a member of the collection.
public Contains ( Control control ) : bool
control Control The to locate in the collection.
return bool

ContainsKey() public method

Determines whether the ControlCollection contains an item with the specified key.
public ContainsKey ( string key ) : bool
key string The key to locate in the .
return bool

ControlCollection() public method

Initializes a new instance of the ControlCollection class.
public ControlCollection ( Control owner ) : System
owner Control A representing the control that owns the control collection.
return System

CopyTo() public method

Copies the entire contents of this collection to a compatible one-dimensional Array, starting at the specified index of the target array.
public CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void
array System.Array The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from the current collection. The array must have zero-based indexing.
index int The zero-based index in array at which copying begins.
return void

Find() public method

Searches for controls by their Name property and builds an array of all the controls that match.
public Find ( string key, bool searchAllChildren ) : Evbpc.Framework.Windows.Forms.Control[]
key string The key to locate in the .
searchAllChildren bool true to search all child controls; otherwise, false.
return Evbpc.Framework.Windows.Forms.Control[]

GetChildIndex() public method

Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection.
public GetChildIndex ( Control child ) : int
child Control The to search for in the control collection.
return int

GetChildIndex() public method

Retrieves the index of the specified child control within the control collection, and optionally raises an exception if the specified control is not within the control collection.
public GetChildIndex ( Control child, bool throwException ) : int
child Control The to search for in the control collection.
throwException bool true to throw an exception if the specified in the child parameter is not a control in the ; otherwise, false.
return int

GetEnumerator() public method

Retrieves a reference to an enumerator object that is used to iterate over a ControlCollection.
public GetEnumerator ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

IndexOf() public method

Retrieves the index of the specified control in the control collection.
public IndexOf ( Control control ) : int
control Control The to locate in the collection.
return int

IndexOfKey() public method

Retrieves the index of the specified control in the control collection.
public IndexOfKey ( string key ) : int
key string The to locate in the collection.
return int

Remove() public method

Removes the specified control from the control collection.
public Remove ( Control value ) : void
value Control The to remove from the .
return void

RemoveAt() public method

Removes a control from the control collection at the specified indexed location.
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int The index value of the to remove.
return void

RemoveByKey() public method

Removes the child control with the specified key.
public RemoveByKey ( string key ) : void
key string The name of the child control to remove.
return void

SetChildIndex() public method

Sets the index of the specified child control in the collection to the specified index value.
public SetChildIndex ( Control child, int newIndex ) : void
child Control The child to search for.
newIndex int The new index value of the control.
return void

this() public method

Indicates the Control at the specified indexed location in the collection.
public this ( int index ) : Control
index int The index of the control to retrieve from the control collection.
return Control

this() public method

Indicates a Control with the specified key in the collection.
public this ( string key ) : Control
key string The name of the control to retrieve from the control collection.
return Control