C# Class Encog.Neural.Networks.Training.Strategy.Greedy

A simple greedy strategy. If the last iteration did not improve training, then discard it. Care must be taken with this strategy, as sometimes a training algorithm may need to temporarily decrease the error level before improving it.
Inheritance: IStrategy
Mostra file Open project: encog/encog-silverlight-core

Public Methods

Method Description
Init ( ITrain train ) : void

Initialize this strategy.

PostIteration ( ) : void

Called just after a training iteration.

PreIteration ( ) : void

Called just before a training iteration.

Method Details

Init() public method

Initialize this strategy.
public Init ( ITrain train ) : void
train ITrain The training algorithm.
return void

PostIteration() public method

Called just after a training iteration.
public PostIteration ( ) : void
return void

PreIteration() public method

Called just before a training iteration.
public PreIteration ( ) : void
return void