C# Class Emgu.CV.Features2D.SIFTDetector

Wrapped SIFT detector structure
Inheritance: Emgu.Util.UnmanagedObject, IKeyPointDetector, IDescriptorExtractor
Mostra file Open project: genecyber/PredatorCV Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ComputeDescriptors ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask, MKeyPoint keyPoints ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

Compute the descriptor given the image and the point location

ComputeDescriptors ( byte>.Image image, MKeyPoint keyPoints ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

Compute the ImageFeature on the image from the given keypoint locations.

DetectFeatures ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

Detect image features from the given image

DetectKeyPoints ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

Detect the SURF keypoints from the image

DetectKeyPoints ( byte>.Image image ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

Detect the keypoints in the image

SIFTDetector ( ) : System

Create a SIFT detector with the default parameters

SIFTDetector ( int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode, double threshold, double edgeThreshold, double magnification, bool isNormalize, bool recalculateAngles ) : System

Create a SIFTDetector using the specific values

Protected Methods

Method Description
DisposeObject ( ) : void

Release the unmanaged resources associated with this object

Private Methods

Method Description
CvSIFTDetectorComputeDescriptors ( IntPtr detector, IntPtr image, IntPtr mask, IntPtr keypoints, IntPtr descriptors ) : void
CvSIFTDetectorCreate ( int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode, double threshold, double edgeThreshold, double magnification, [ isNormalize, [ recalculateAngles ) : IntPtr
CvSIFTDetectorDetectFeature ( IntPtr detector, IntPtr image, IntPtr mask, IntPtr keypoints, IntPtr descriptors ) : void
CvSIFTDetectorDetectKeyPoints ( IntPtr detector, IntPtr image, IntPtr mask, IntPtr keypoints ) : void
CvSIFTDetectorGetDescriptorSize ( IntPtr detector ) : int
CvSIFTDetectorRelease ( IntPtr &detector ) : void

Method Details

ComputeDescriptors() public method

Compute the descriptor given the image and the point location
public ComputeDescriptors ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask, MKeyPoint keyPoints ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]
image Byte>.Image The image where the descriptor will be computed from
mask byte>.Image The optional mask, can be null if not needed
keyPoints Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint The keypoint where the descriptor will be computed from
return Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

ComputeDescriptors() public method

Compute the ImageFeature on the image from the given keypoint locations.
public ComputeDescriptors ( byte>.Image image, MKeyPoint keyPoints ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]
image byte>.Image The image to compute descriptors from
keyPoints Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint The keypoints where the descriptor computation is perfromed
return Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

DetectFeatures() public method

Detect image features from the given image
public DetectFeatures ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask ) : Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]
image Byte>.Image The image to detect features from
mask byte>.Image The optional mask, can be null if not needed
return Emgu.CV.Features2D.ImageFeature[]

DetectKeyPoints() public method

Detect the SURF keypoints from the image
public DetectKeyPoints ( Byte>.Image image, byte>.Image mask ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]
image Byte>.Image The image to extract SURF features from
mask byte>.Image The optional mask, can be null if not needed
return Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

DetectKeyPoints() public method

Detect the keypoints in the image
public DetectKeyPoints ( byte>.Image image ) : Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]
image byte>.Image The image from which the key point will be detected from
return Emgu.CV.Structure.MKeyPoint[]

DisposeObject() protected method

Release the unmanaged resources associated with this object
protected DisposeObject ( ) : void
return void

SIFTDetector() public method

Create a SIFT detector with the default parameters
public SIFTDetector ( ) : System
return System

SIFTDetector() public method

Create a SIFTDetector using the specific values
public SIFTDetector ( int nOctaves, int nOctaveLayers, int firstOctave, AngleMode angleMode, double threshold, double edgeThreshold, double magnification, bool isNormalize, bool recalculateAngles ) : System
nOctaves int The number of octaves. Use 4 for default
nOctaveLayers int The number of octaves layers. Use 3 for default
firstOctave int Use -1 for default
angleMode AngleMode Angle mode
threshold double Detector parameter. Use 0.04 / nOctavesLayers / 2.0 as default
edgeThreshold double Detector parameter. Use 10.0 as default
magnification double Descriptor parameter. Use 3.0 as default
isNormalize bool Descriptor parameter. Use true as default
recalculateAngles bool Descriptor parameter. Use true as default
return System