C# Class EddiDataDefinitions.StarClass

Details of a star class
Mostra file Open project: cmdrmcdonald/EliteDangerousDataProvider Class Usage Examples

Public Properties

Property Type Description
A StarClass
B StarClass
F StarClass
G StarClass
K StarClass
M StarClass
O StarClass

Public Methods

Method Description
FromEDName ( string from ) : StarClass
FromName ( string from ) : StarClass
ageCP ( decimal l ) : decimal

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a temp equal to or lower than that supplied

luminosity ( decimal absoluteMagnitude ) : decimal

Convert absolute magnitude in to luminosity

solarradius ( decimal radius ) : decimal

Convert radius in m in to stellar radius

stellarMassCP ( decimal l ) : decimal

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a stellar mass equal to or lower than that supplied

stellarRadiusCP ( decimal l ) : decimal

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a stellar radius equal to or lower than that supplied

tempCP ( decimal l ) : decimal

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a temp equal to or lower than that supplied

temperature ( decimal luminosity, decimal radius ) : decimal

Private Methods

Method Description
StarClass ( string edname, string name, string chromaticity, decimal percentage, IUnivariateDistribution massdistribution, IUnivariateDistribution radiusdistribution, IUnivariateDistribution tempdistribution, IUnivariateDistribution agedistribution ) : MathNet.Numerics.Distributions

Method Details

FromEDName() public static method

public static FromEDName ( string from ) : StarClass
from string
return StarClass

FromName() public static method

public static FromName ( string from ) : StarClass
from string
return StarClass

ageCP() public method

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a temp equal to or lower than that supplied
public ageCP ( decimal l ) : decimal
l decimal
return decimal

luminosity() public static method

Convert absolute magnitude in to luminosity
public static luminosity ( decimal absoluteMagnitude ) : decimal
absoluteMagnitude decimal
return decimal

solarradius() public static method

Convert radius in m in to stellar radius
public static solarradius ( decimal radius ) : decimal
radius decimal
return decimal

stellarMassCP() public method

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a stellar mass equal to or lower than that supplied
public stellarMassCP ( decimal l ) : decimal
l decimal
return decimal

stellarRadiusCP() public method

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a stellar radius equal to or lower than that supplied
public stellarRadiusCP ( decimal l ) : decimal
l decimal
return decimal

tempCP() public method

Provide the cumulative probability that a star of this class will have a temp equal to or lower than that supplied
public tempCP ( decimal l ) : decimal
l decimal
return decimal

temperature() public static method

public static temperature ( decimal luminosity, decimal radius ) : decimal
luminosity decimal
radius decimal
return decimal

Property Details

A public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions A
return StarClass

B public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions B
return StarClass

F public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions F
return StarClass

G public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions G
return StarClass

K public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions K
return StarClass

M public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions M
return StarClass

O public_oe static_oe property

public static StarClass,EddiDataDefinitions O
return StarClass