C# Class DevExpress.DataAccess.BigQuery.BigQueryParameterCollection

A collection of BigQueryParameter objects.
Inheritance: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection
Mostra file Open project: DevExpress/BigQueryProvider Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Add ( object parameter ) : int

Adds a parameter to the collection.

Add ( string parameterName, DbType dbType ) : int

Adds a new parameter to the collection.

AddRange ( Array values ) : void

Adds an array of values to the current collection.

Clear ( ) : void

Removes all items from the collection.

Contains ( object value ) : bool

Indicates whether or not the current collection contains the specified BigQueryParameter.

Contains ( string parameterName ) : bool

Indicates whether or not the current collection contains the specified BigQueryParameter.

CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void

Copies the element of the current collection to the specified position of an Array.

GetEnumerator ( ) : IEnumerator

Returns an enumerator used to iterate through the collection.

IndexOf ( object value ) : int

returns the index of the specified object.

IndexOf ( string parameterName ) : int

returns the index of the specified parameter.

Insert ( int index, object value ) : void

Inserts a BigQueryParameter to the current collection.

Remove ( object value ) : void

Removes the specified BigQueryParameter form the collection.

RemoveAt ( int index ) : void

Removes a BigQueryParameter specified by index from the collection.

RemoveAt ( string parameterName ) : void

Removes a BigQueryParameter specified by name from the collection.

Protected Methods

Method Description
GetParameter ( int index ) : DbParameter
GetParameter ( string parameterName ) : DbParameter
SetParameter ( int index, DbParameter value ) : void
SetParameter ( string parameterName, DbParameter value ) : void

Private Methods

Method Description
CheckDuplicateNames ( ) : void
CheckName ( string parameterName ) : int
RangeCheck ( int index ) : void
RemoveIndex ( int index ) : void
Replace ( int index, DbParameter value ) : void
Validate ( ) : void
ValidateParameter ( int index, DbParameter value ) : void
ValidateType ( object value ) : void

Method Details

Add() public method

Adds a parameter to the collection.
public Add ( object parameter ) : int
parameter object a BigQueryParameter object.
return int

Add() public method

Adds a new parameter to the collection.
public Add ( string parameterName, DbType dbType ) : int
parameterName string The name of a BigQueryParameter.
dbType DbType A DBType enumeration value specifying the data type of the parameter.
return int

AddRange() public method

Adds an array of values to the current collection.
public AddRange ( Array values ) : void
values System.Array an array of BigQueryParameter objects.
return void

Clear() public method

Removes all items from the collection.
public Clear ( ) : void
return void

Contains() public method

Indicates whether or not the current collection contains the specified BigQueryParameter.
public Contains ( object value ) : bool
value object A BigQueryParameter object.
return bool

Contains() public method

Indicates whether or not the current collection contains the specified BigQueryParameter.
public Contains ( string parameterName ) : bool
parameterName string The name of a BigQueryParameter.
return bool

CopyTo() public method

Copies the element of the current collection to the specified position of an Array.
public CopyTo ( Array array, int index ) : void
array System.Array An zero-based Array to which to copy the elements of the collection.
index int An index within an Array at which to start copying.
return void

GetEnumerator() public method

Returns an enumerator used to iterate through the collection.
public GetEnumerator ( ) : IEnumerator
return IEnumerator

GetParameter() protected method

protected GetParameter ( int index ) : DbParameter
index int
return System.Data.Common.DbParameter

GetParameter() protected method

protected GetParameter ( string parameterName ) : DbParameter
parameterName string
return System.Data.Common.DbParameter

IndexOf() public method

returns the index of the specified object.
public IndexOf ( object value ) : int
value object an object to find.
return int

IndexOf() public method

returns the index of the specified parameter.
public IndexOf ( string parameterName ) : int
parameterName string The name of a BigQueryParameter.
return int

Insert() public method

Inserts a BigQueryParameter to the current collection.
public Insert ( int index, object value ) : void
index int An index at which to insert an element.
value object A BigQueryParameter to insert.
return void

Remove() public method

Removes the specified BigQueryParameter form the collection.
public Remove ( object value ) : void
value object A BigQueryParameter object.
return void

RemoveAt() public method

Removes a BigQueryParameter specified by index from the collection.
public RemoveAt ( int index ) : void
index int An index from which to remove an element.
return void

RemoveAt() public method

Removes a BigQueryParameter specified by name from the collection.
public RemoveAt ( string parameterName ) : void
parameterName string The name of a BigQueryParameter.
return void

SetParameter() protected method

protected SetParameter ( int index, DbParameter value ) : void
index int
value System.Data.Common.DbParameter
return void

SetParameter() protected method

protected SetParameter ( string parameterName, DbParameter value ) : void
parameterName string
value System.Data.Common.DbParameter
return void