C# Class Dev2.DynamicServices.DsfDataObject

The core TO used in the execution engine ;)
Inheritance: System.Activities.Persistence.PersistenceParticipant, IDSFDataObject
Mostra file Open project: Warewolf-ESB/Warewolf Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
Clone ( ) : IDSFDataObject

Clones this instance.

DsfDataObject ( string xmldata, System.Guid dataListId, string rawPayload = "" ) : System
IsDebugMode ( ) : bool
PopEnvironment ( ) : void
PushEnvironment ( IExecutionEnvironment env ) : void

Protected Methods

Method Description
CollectValues ( object>.IDictionary &readWriteValues, object>.IDictionary &writeOnlyValues ) : void

A host invokes this method on a custom persistence participant to collect read-write values and write-only values, to be persisted.

PublishValues ( object>.IDictionary readWriteValues ) : void

The host invokes this method and passes all the loaded values in the collection (filled by the or ) as a dictionary parameter.

Private Methods

Method Description
DsfDataObject ( ) : System
ExtractInMergeDataFromRequest ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xe ) : void
ExtractOutMergeDataFromRequest ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xe ) : void
ExtractValue ( System.Xml.Linq.XElement xe, string elementName ) : string
IDSFDataObject ( ) : bool

Method Details

Clone() public method

Clones this instance.
public Clone ( ) : IDSFDataObject
return IDSFDataObject

CollectValues() protected method

A host invokes this method on a custom persistence participant to collect read-write values and write-only values, to be persisted.
protected CollectValues ( object>.IDictionary &readWriteValues, object>.IDictionary &writeOnlyValues ) : void
readWriteValues object>.IDictionary The read-write values to be persisted.
writeOnlyValues object>.IDictionary The write-only values to be persisted.
return void

DsfDataObject() public method

public DsfDataObject ( string xmldata, System.Guid dataListId, string rawPayload = "" ) : System
xmldata string
dataListId System.Guid
rawPayload string
return System

IsDebugMode() public method

public IsDebugMode ( ) : bool
return bool

PopEnvironment() public method

public PopEnvironment ( ) : void
return void

PublishValues() protected method

The host invokes this method and passes all the loaded values in the collection (filled by the or ) as a dictionary parameter.
protected PublishValues ( object>.IDictionary readWriteValues ) : void
readWriteValues object>.IDictionary /// The read-write values that were loaded from the persistence store. This dictionary /// corresponds to the dictionary of read-write values persisted in the most recent persistence episode. ///
return void

PushEnvironment() public method

public PushEnvironment ( IExecutionEnvironment env ) : void
env IExecutionEnvironment
return void