C# Class Daniel15.Web.Controllers.BlogController

Mostra file Open project: Daniel15/Website

Public Methods

Method Description
BlogController ( IBlogRepository blogRepository, IDisqusCommentRepository commentRepository, IUrlShortener urlShortener, ISocialManager socialManager ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the BlogController class.

Private Methods

Method Description
Archive ( int year, int month, int page = 1 ) : System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult
Category ( string slug, int page = 1, string parentSlug = null ) : ActionResult
GetSocialNetworks ( PostModel post ) : IEnumerable

Gets the social network URLs and share counts for the specified post

Index ( int page = 1 ) : ActionResult
Listing ( IEnumerable posts, int count, int page, string viewName = null, ListingViewModel viewModel = null ) : ActionResult

Returns a listing of blog posts

ShortUrl ( string alias ) : ActionResult
ShortUrl ( PostModel post ) : string

Gets the short URL for this blog post

Tag ( string slug, int page = 1 ) : ActionResult
View ( int month, int year, string slug ) : ActionResult

Method Details

BlogController() public method

Initializes a new instance of the BlogController class.
public BlogController ( IBlogRepository blogRepository, IDisqusCommentRepository commentRepository, IUrlShortener urlShortener, ISocialManager socialManager ) : System
blogRepository IBlogRepository The blog post repository.
commentRepository IDisqusCommentRepository The Disqus comment repository
urlShortener IUrlShortener The URL shortener
socialManager ISocialManager The social network manager used to get sharing URLs
return System