C# Class DamageTracker.PetTracker

PetTracker to track all pet actions
Inheritance: IDisposable
Mostra file Open project: BryanHurst/Aion-DamageTracker

Public Properties

Property Type Description
active_pets List

Public Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( ) : void

Public dispose method

PetTracker ( ) : System
commit_pet_action ( string time, string who, int amount, string target, string skill ) : void

Setup action for the pet to commit on behalf of the owner

remove ( Pet p ) : void

Remove a pet from the tracker Players may summon new pets, so they must be removed quickly

track ( Pet p ) : void

Add a new pet to be tracked

Protected Methods

Method Description
Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Internal dispose

Method Details

Dispose() public method

Public dispose method
public Dispose ( ) : void
return void

Dispose() protected method

Internal dispose
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
return void

PetTracker() public method

public PetTracker ( ) : System
return System

commit_pet_action() public method

Setup action for the pet to commit on behalf of the owner
public commit_pet_action ( string time, string who, int amount, string target, string skill ) : void
time string Time of action
who string Owner of the pet
amount int Amount of damage pet did
target string Pet's target
skill string Skill pet used
return void

remove() public method

Remove a pet from the tracker Players may summon new pets, so they must be removed quickly
public remove ( Pet p ) : void
p Pet
return void

track() public method

Add a new pet to be tracked
public track ( Pet p ) : void
p Pet
return void

Property Details

active_pets public_oe property

public List active_pets
return List