C# Class Customer.Project.Mvc.Instrumentation.Security.AuthorizedXmlSiteMapProvider

FAST implementation of XmlSiteMapProvider. Limits accessibility to authorized users based on roles. Also allows wildcards for roles (*=All users, ?=Unauthenticated users only, @=authenticated users only).
Inheritance: System.Web.XmlSiteMapProvider
Mostra file Open project: atosorigin/AtosMvcStarterKit

Public Methods

Method Description
IsAccessibleToUser ( HttpContext context, System.Web.SiteMapNode node ) : bool

Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the specified object can be viewed by the user in the specified context.

Private Methods

Method Description
ValidateNode ( HttpContext context, System.Web.SiteMapNode node ) : bool

Validates the node.

Method Details

IsAccessibleToUser() public method

Retrieves a Boolean value indicating whether the specified object can be viewed by the user in the specified context.
context is null.- or -node is null.
public IsAccessibleToUser ( HttpContext context, System.Web.SiteMapNode node ) : bool
context System.Web.HttpContext The that contains user information.
node System.Web.SiteMapNode The that is requested by the user.
return bool