C# Class ComponentFactory.Quicksilver.Layout.RemovePositionAnimate

Defines the ending location/size of an element being removed.
Inheritance: BoundsEasingAnimate
Mostra file Open project: ComponentFactory/Quicksilver Class Usage Examples

Public Methods

Method Description
ApplyAnimation ( string animateId, MetaPanelBase metaPanel, MetaElementStateDict stateDict, ICollection elements, double elapsedMilliseconds ) : void

Perform animation effects on the set of children.

RemovePositionAnimate ( ) : System

Initialize a new instance of the RemovePositionAnimate class.

Method Details

ApplyAnimation() public method

Perform animation effects on the set of children.
public ApplyAnimation ( string animateId, MetaPanelBase metaPanel, MetaElementStateDict stateDict, ICollection elements, double elapsedMilliseconds ) : void
animateId string Identifier of the animate to be used.
metaPanel MetaPanelBase Reference to owning panel instance.
stateDict MetaElementStateDict Dictionary of per-element state.
elements ICollection Collection of elements to be animated.
elapsedMilliseconds double Elapsed milliseconds since last animation cycle.
return void

RemovePositionAnimate() public method

Initialize a new instance of the RemovePositionAnimate class.
public RemovePositionAnimate ( ) : System
return System