C# Class CSharpImageLibrary.Headers.DDS_Header.DDS_DXGI_DX10_Additional

Additional header used by DXGI/DX10 DDS'.
Mostra file Open project: KFreon/CSharpImageLibrary

Public Properties

Property Type Description
arraySize uint
dxgiFormat DXGI_FORMAT
miscFlags2 DXGI_MiscFlags
resourceDimension D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION

Public Methods

Method Description
DDS_DXGI_DX10_Additional ( byte fullHeaderBlock, int offset = 128 ) : System

Read DX10-DXGI header from full DDS header block.

ToString ( ) : string

Shows string description of additional DX10 header.

Method Details

DDS_DXGI_DX10_Additional() public method

Read DX10-DXGI header from full DDS header block.
public DDS_DXGI_DX10_Additional ( byte fullHeaderBlock, int offset = 128 ) : System
fullHeaderBlock byte Entire DDS header block.
offset int Offset at which this header starts in full block.
return System

ToString() public method

Shows string description of additional DX10 header.
public ToString ( ) : string
return string

Property Details

arraySize public_oe property

Number of elements in array. For 2D textures that are cube maps, it's the number of cubes. For 3D textures, must be 1.
public uint arraySize
return uint

dxgiFormat public_oe property

Surface format.
public DXGI_FORMAT dxgiFormat

miscFlag public_oe property

Identifies less common options. e.g. 0x4 = DDS_RESOURCE_MISC_TEXTURECUBE
public D3D10_RESOURCE_MISC_FLAGS miscFlag

miscFlags2 public_oe property

Alpha flags.
public DXGI_MiscFlags miscFlags2
return DXGI_MiscFlags

resourceDimension public_oe property

Dimension of texture (1D, 2D, 3D)
public D3D10_RESOURCE_DIMENSION resourceDimension