C# Class CSharpGL.IPickableHelper

This helps to get last vertex's id of picked primitive.
Mostra file Open project: bitzhuwei/CSharpGL

Public Methods

Method Description
GetLastVertexIdOfPickedGeometry ( this element, uint stageVertexId, uint &lastVertexId ) : bool

Returns last vertex's id of picked geometry if the geometry represented by stageVertexId belongs to this element instance.

Returns false if stageVertexId the primitive is in some other element.

Method Details

GetLastVertexIdOfPickedGeometry() public static method

Returns last vertex's id of picked geometry if the geometry represented by stageVertexId belongs to this element instance.

Returns false if stageVertexId the primitive is in some other element.

public static GetLastVertexIdOfPickedGeometry ( this element, uint stageVertexId, uint &lastVertexId ) : bool
element this
stageVertexId uint
lastVertexId uint
return bool